hari's attitude might not satisfy you- you all might be dissappointed, but that doesn't mean that she's ungrateful or unaffected at all.
if i could return back to that moment again, i'm sure i would make the same choice.
"i knew what would've happen but i can't stop it"
are these the thought of an ungrateful person would say? remember they take hari on impulse, she might be distant or didn't love the 2 couples as much as the 3 brothers does.
also this is her 2nd life how can we be so sure she didn't cry like cabel and louis does?
but that doesn't mean she doesn't feel anything at all. louis and cabel are still kids they would cry and express their grief freely, but did you see eugene? he doesn't have time to dwell on his parents lost he needs to be strong for his siblings and take over their affairs bc it's his responsibility. perhaps, hari think like that too.
also she could've stopped it. she tried. but she thought it was already avoided but it feels like it's written in their fate. y'all saying she could've said it but what if her brothers we're to know it, it'll cause misunderstanding. she must've blame herself a lot more than we know.

i'm in chapter 5, the blonde sissy is so fucking ungrateful. she keeps on blabbering about how nobles only cares for public image and wealth when she's living like one (she benefits from it) . doesn't she realizes that she's very lucky unlike kids who wrestles to a dog for a leftover food. and she fucking keeps on yammering about how her obligations as a royal shackles her freedom ABOUT THIS EVENT. DUDE WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ALL U CARE ABOUT, YOURSELF? WHAT ABOUT UR SISTER??? DO U THINK SHE LIKES IT? SHE SAVED YOUR ASS FROM UNWANTED MARRIAGE, SHE DO THE POLITICAL DUTIES FAMILY SUPPOSED TO BE DOING DID SHE EVER FUCKING WHINE LIKE A FUCKING GODDAMN CHILD?! AND HOW THIS FUCKING BLONDIE SISSY JUST LET HER SISTER BE INSULTED AND WRONG HER. FUCK YOU BITCH, YOUR SISTER IS AN ANGEL THERE'S NO WAY YOU'RE BLOOD RELATED,
the protagonist is behaving so humanly. his flaws and attitude, i can relate in so many ways. i always get second hand embarrassment too lol・ω・