man i wouldn't stand living and spending the rest of my life with someone as possessive as kimin oof
seme omorashiii?? (o_O)
param i thought you knew better than this. i just wanna see hwi more than anything now
i cant take this sex scene seriously with that leopard tattoo lmaoo
LMAOO when he threw the whore i was soooo satisfied, yeah you show him king
damn i feel so bad for taku but im team joowon ftw
as you should be~!
with yiyeon making all these moves, i wouldn't even be surprised if he turned out to be the top lmao
Really wanting him to be top lol
Exacly what I thought
nah i dont think he's a top. he's just bold lol
i honestly want him as a power bottom HDHDHDJSHZ
SAMEEE lmaoaoao
i dont like jiho, like why would you play around w producer lee and woohyuk then saying "i dont wanna be in a relationship rn" bruh
same, i want to drop this bcs jiho. like, seriously why is he like that??? im mad
reading this cos they're voiced by zhongli and venti's va
Wait Wa-
omg i didn’t know what
you can listen to it on soundcloud
Wait no way really?! (☆o☆)
link? pls
Its on sound cloud just search up the manga’s title guys ヾ(☆▽☆)
man i wouldn't stand living and spending the rest of my life with someone as possessive as kimin oof