If Claude dies, I’m literally going to be so devastated- I love this webtoon specifically because of the father daughter bond between him and Athy
Also if you hate Jeanette but not her father who is literally manipulating the hell out of a girl who’s only actual ‘crime’ was wanting to be a part of a family then I’m just speechless.
So Athy IS Athy, then that means she was reborn into another Athanasia before she was brought back to her original body when she died again???? I feel like I’m going around in circles
The way some people are getting so heated over just a tiny bit of romance, the story is not even going to evolve around their relationship- Cha is still a very strong Hunter, give her a break
If Claude dies, I’m literally going to be so devastated- I love this webtoon specifically because of the father daughter bond between him and Athy
Also if you hate Jeanette but not her father who is literally manipulating the hell out of a girl who’s only actual ‘crime’ was wanting to be a part of a family then I’m just speechless.