diana and the prince will break up, diana doesnt wanna have kids but they need a heir so they ended their relationship.
tthe prince married someone else & soon enough got pregnant..
hestia & kael gonna have 4 kiddos..

Don't get me wrong I personally don't want kids but marrying into a royal family your job is to literally have children to continue the line. Why did she waste everyone's time? What did they do the first night of their wedding? I get that you can just adopt a son from a related line if all fails but still dumb to put yourself in a position where certain things are expected especially if you're not nobility

F this shit, i'm not gonna waste any more of my time reading this.
Uke has no self-respect or anything.
i'm not gonna beg some mfs to pick me or love me.
and after what that mf alpha said "you're just a BETA, you don't understand anything."
bitch! if it were me, i'll be already in jail.
or i'll just disappear and never come back but
i need to atleast throw some hands, knives or whatever before disappearing on these mfs.
please gag me too.