zZ.Tama.Zz's feed

zZ.Tama.Zz created a topic of Jinx

i dropped that shit like 2 months ago but i decided to give it a second chance and... yeah it's still garbage.
like it's bj alex but with a shittier top and a braindead bottom.
bro even the fucking top from killing stalking had more of a lovable personality than that waste of space called "whatever his name is idc".
bro I've seen arrogant characters, I've seen narcissistic characters but that top? nah man he is hot garbage. i legit can't see how dan can like him.
and mentioning that bitch now... i may have felt sympathy for the bottom of bj alex but you? nah go take a hike. I guess i feel bad for you for being a slave to that disgusting plot the author is showing us but in reality not even jk's mother can love his ass.
Jk is beyond being an arrogant asshole, he is a monster and no amount of "sad backstory" can redeem him. No amount of trauma and pain can excuse how he treated dan when he gave him his bday present. Not even your enemy deserves such a degrading treatment.
Honestly the more i write the angrier i get with that character and how the author tries to shove him down our throats as a love interest... im simply disgusted by the whole message being promoted here.
I hope jk fucking losses his hand.
Eat shit whore.
And dan go fuck yourself too, no brains stupid bitch.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.