you know what? yeah he raped him but at least it's not the "rape turns to love" cliche bcoz hosik actually liked sunbae before that night.
yeah i know they had a bad turn, but all relationships start from somewhere. I'm not excusing him for what he did, but at least i see that he trully loves hosik and wants to give him the world. ofc he has some screw loose but he is trying to work it out.
forgive but not forget kids. as long they are happy who cares, the feelings were there but the start was all messed up.
and you know what? ma yandere boi sunbae doesn't deserve all this hate bcox you know damn well there are much MUCH worse cases but no one seem to care about them.
so let's all take a deep breath, leave this behind and lets move on.
(people that read the raws plz don't answer to this comment i want to find on my own if this turns to shit. thank you very much)
my heart was ready to drop when i thought he will break up jesse BUT SIKE