WHAT IF the stone heart (along with the lotus necklace) that lunkhead left to zhang li / ali in the present time was mimi’s / lunkhead’s real heart from the past and put it in a puppet in order to protect and meet zhang li in the present time ( ̄へ ̄)
the more the story progresses, the more theories i have with the time travel and the lotus necklace that has magic; saves zhang li from bad things
i’m definitely not prepared for the angst and i hope that white hair bitch brother dies tnx

saddle up you guys,,, i’m feeling more angst as the story progresses and i feel like something really REALLY bad will happen before they see each other again
i have a theory on the flower necklace of zhang li / ali that lunkhead / stone gave to him in the present time . the more the flower opens, the less time zhang li has left in ebis . the flower was closed in the early chapters and now it’s slowly blooming . it’s either that or once it blooms, magic or a miracle will happen since we’ve seen zhang li being saved by that flower necklace many times now
i do hope dear author doesn’t give us a sad ending or an open ending because i want to see them together in whatever timeline T___T

for those who are wondering when will the backstory end, here are some spoilers ahead!
after his majesty getting stabbed, medic will come (unfortunately) but it also meant that all the guards are focused on his majesty since he’s vulnerable right now, so it was time for taehyuk to make an escape…! he kinda got caught but suddenly a dragon appears (≧∀≦) (hyo-un) and saves taehyuk and finally escape!
but things went from good happy happy chapters to MORE tragic ones :/ taehyuk and hyo-un plans to flee by riding a boat but the moment hyo-un took his eyes off of taehyuk, when he was finally going somewhere with his beloved, taehyuk got stabbed by a sword.
note here that taehyuk hasn’t eaten the orb that hyo-un made so i have a lot of theories ^^ also i’m not sure if it was the eunuch or the king who ordered to kill taehyuk but i hate them both.
since taehyuk is about to die, i think the backstory will end soon and we’ll finally know how hyo-un lost his memories in the present time and what happens to taehyuk after he got stabbed!

knowing sung ho’s personality, i don’t think the words “no, not at all” mean something negative ;;; they will definitely face challenges together since sung ho’s a single father AND is together with the VILLAGE HEAD, mr. kwon ,,, we all know korea, esp the provinces are super conservative but i’m 100000% sure they won’t give up their love ^____^
i’m getting ready for some angst tho… knowing author-nim, they will def make good angst but ALSO GOOD GOOD SUPER GOOD HAPPY ENDINGS
and i’m pretty sure we will see crying mr. kwon in the 2nd season (he looks like a crybaby)

major spoilers!
ian / marquis of blemir or the red-haired uncle of the first prince is the ml ^____^ not the emperor (trash) and not rohan (trash as well) (he’s a traitor)
this is from chapter 287, ian’s confession THAT I SUPER LOVE
“Please ask me how I will love you. And think back. At some point, you'll know that there's never been anything that wasn't love."

here! https://www.novelupdates.com/series/in-this-life-i-will-raise-you-well-your-majesty/?pg=11#myTable
- wook’s teahouse are the ones translating the novel but in order to read it, you have to join their discord (super high verification process) before reading the translated novel ^___^
this is the link to the raws https://page.kakao.com/content/55079750

here! https://www.novelupdates.com/series/in-this-life-i-will-raise-you-well-your-majesty/?pg=11#myTable
- wook’s teahouse are the ones translating the novel but in order to read it, you have to join their discord (super high verification process) before reading the translated novel ^___^
this is the link to the raws https://page.kakao.com/content/55079750
just copy pasted what i said to the other person lmao

spoilers ahead!
really like this story and i’m glad it’s a happy ending ^___^ something intense will happen before the happy ending tho,,, they will meet eunchan’s friend who betrayed him and soojeong will get bitten :/ fortunately eunchan beat the shit outta them and they continued searching for the evacuation center (a little drama sad moment after that)

novel spoilers and art spoilers!
zhenya is worse than caesar (from roses and champagne) (⌒▽⌒) zhenya roped the uke about 3 times (or more i forgot), locked him in an island, threatened him until the uke gives up and accept that he can't run away from him… the uke eventually falls in love (HE’S A FOOL) and accepts zhenya.
oh, and zhenya is actually psikh bognadov
art is going to change in the future chapters (kinda bad) (story itself is bad)
these are all just my opinion since i’m so sick of the stockholm syndrome in novels/manhwas :/ like damn these mcs fall in love with a person who assaulted/abused/traumatized them?
believe it or not guys, but the manhwa is almost ending! at least, from what i remember, there are only a few arcs left + side stories. soon you will see…
vinter crying for the first time ヾ(☆▽☆) for penelope ofc!
penelope in a disguise! can’t wait what she would look like
penelope vs yvonne extreme mega epic fight (penelope wins)
callisto will appear again!!!
these are what the next chapters will be about… though for sure it will be slow and maybe the whole story would end in about a year or two?