That was wholesome af *smashes 10 star button* only there aren't 10 stars so i guess 5 will have to do
I really love the way Tsukasa encourages him to communicate, and is patient enough to earn his trust, and just fucking loves him with his whole heart and entire soul, loves him so hard that Yuki actually accepts himself in the end. So many feels in this relatively short story.
I don't think I liked it. Maybe if i read it again some time when I'm in a better head space I don't know, but there was really nothing between 'oh, i don't actually have to like him back even if i want to fuck him' and 'oh yeah, i totally want to date you - also, let's have sex'
I'm also confused about how you feel like bragging about having sex basically as soon as you got there was supposed to convince the guy you like to like you back.... especially when he's already annoyed at you for bringing your fuck buddies on the trip he invited you on because you said you wanted to get to know him.... it just felt like emptiness to me.
I wanted to read this but this comment bothered me. Any more warnings?