This manga is really good. It feels as if you grow up with her as well. Kanoko-chan is really different from other strong female lead character. Her view on people are very broad but she doesnt really view herself. She's a strong female lead in her own way.
Anyway, the person I'm rooting for the most is Yumemi-chan. I hope she becomes an author because I see myself in her. She's very imaginative. Well, my imagination isnt as cringy as her but it's nice to see someone I can relate to.

This manga made me think "fujoshi are crazy"
Then my head goes like shit, I'm one of them and I like this manga too.
Then I'm like "We are... Omglob"
Then I'm like sighing and thinking "we fujoshi dwells in the dark" cause I'm in bed and the lights are turned off.
At least the dark side has cookies so I'm probably staying.
Welp. That being said, see you all in hell. LOL

This... this manga is making my teeth and cheeks hurts. The mangaka probably has a sweettooth. This is bad. I dont have a sweettooth but this manga is so sweet yet I can't get enough.
It's like spending the day on a fluffy cloud with bunch of soft pillows and a bunch of sweet laying around as you laze about.
I hope turtle-sama gets together with the fox.