I'd like some plot heavy shounen ai or bromance. If bromance I'd like it to be pretty strong on the bl vibes, I've read part of loveless, and got sidetracked so that's one I'm aware of..silver diamond and the other by that author I've read. That's what I I have in mind, long, fantasy, adventure. Switch I've read, love it. Komatta toki ni wa hoshi, I read and it's my favorite Manga ever. Something like that too. I want long bromance or full on shounen ai. The lovier the better. Thank you

Basically anything from CLAMP, lol.
Truth be told, they like yaoi (even draw doujinshis) and there are always BL vibes.
I strongly recommend RG Veda and Wish. The side couple from CardCaptor Sakura is definitely cute too (and the stories are awesome).
Owari no Seraph (Seraph of the end) has BL vibes going on. And there's Evangelion too (and there is even a BL love confession and I can't handle this couple!!!).

This one: http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/neon_genesis_evangelion/
But's not complete. There is an anime, but it's very different from the manga.

Does anyone know what this is from, is it just art, is it a manga, if so which manga, or if you can even just identify the artist, the style looks familiar but...

Ok so my cat confuses me. On one hand, he murders weasels. And decimates any small rodent. On the other hand, he has fallen in the toilet, twice. And when we go for a walk he is afraid to leave the woods and will stand at the edge of them and cry at me until I feel bad for him and come back. So like the badass hunter, can't be away from mom without crying...

Tonight is the 3rd time I wandered in on a skunk in 3 months. Not counting the times the outside smelled like one...and the time the dog proved he was the bright, and kinda an ahole.
Dude I was like a foot away. I didn't know I could run that fast. And the cat was on the porch all happy to see me. Couldn't warn me man?

It's very hard to describe, if you get just a whiff of it, like they've walked by it smells slightly like weed, not exactly but it's kinda a similar smell. The actual smell, like if the dog gets sprayed is not something I can describe, it's a chemical.
They're blind, or almost. So they either hear you or just wander up to you. And I've heard that once they resize you're theee, and I'm sure he did but I hauled ass away lol, they warn you first by stomping but I know they don't always do that. Sometimes they just let it blow.

Dude that toxic stuff peels paint of cars...I can't imagine that's good to breathe. The puppy got it in his ear and was super sad, cause I bet it really stung. His response was to try to climb in my lap to cuddle.
Yeah never wanna get sprayed. My friends hubby got sprayed flat in the face, he was carrying groceries...couldn't block it.

I want a Manga that's sweet. Can be any genre, action whatever, but with sweet moments in it. I don't care if it's shoujo or shounen ai, or even yaoi although I've probably read them all haha. I don't mind rereading I just want ideas. Leaning toward a shoujo, or shounen ai nothing tragic...hate crying

Cute victiiiiiiim!!~ :D Wahhh its been so long. >.< How have yoz been? :D Have you read this one already? :3 http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/uchi_no_maou_kamimasen_yo/

Its an omegaverse but it has many cute moments ^-^

Yesterday, had a great time.
It's not that bad, but it's kinda a classic emotional abuse thing. He latched onto her when she was about 18, lost her mom, and was 10 years older. Told her she didn't needher family and just kinda cut her off from everybody by being manipulative and a narcissistic bastard. She's just now getting a backbone

Lol, yeah dude I had to bake and serve my cake myself, and wound up being the last to eat it. Pretty sure that's wrong lol.
Right my sisters guy is similar, narcissistic creep...goes after self-esteem to manipulate. I think with my cousin it might be that he went after self esteem. But yeah he had her thinking she was fat. And dude she's skinny, like string bean no boobs, all legs...ect...so you know he had her all messed up if she believed that who knows what else he had her thinking. My sisters ahole, is the same. He tells her crazy stuff to go after her self esteem. Easier to control I guess.

I did get sang to, it was terrifying. Seriously I have weird friends and family....weeeeird. and no candles... I had done an early birthday party with out of town friends like a week earlier...and I had candles onot that one. And somehow I wound up lighting them blowing them put myself...while drink, and nekkid.... it was kinda bad, I got drunk and it was the first time I'd been alone in some days so I reveled in the aloneness...and was naked in the kitchen eating frosting and drunk texting my boyfriend "I love you more than my cat" and "your smile makes me stupid"
It was a cheesecake I made yesterday, oh no candles cause It had hot pink cookies on top of it....those hot pink animal cookies with sprinkles.
Yeah that's the winner. He's emotionally abusive, laid hands on her once and she took exception to that in a physical way. He's a bully so if they hit back...but he can go after her verbally and control her that way.
My cousin was a way easier mark. We thought she was mad at us, she just disappeared. I think maybe he talked her I to being mad at us. She had a new baby, her mom had died recently....and yeah changed her number. Turns out she was 30 minutes from us the whole time. She's told me some of his bullshit...it's pretty creepy. He's very possessive and weird, gets jealous of his daughter, doesn't want her to have friends...

Can someone recommend manga with a seme who gets pissed at the uke for putting himself in danger or something like that. Protective anger... could be shounen ai

Definitely katou, it's a great yaoi manga. They reverse too. ;) If you haven't read this already, i'm questioning your life. http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/haru_wo_daite_ita/
Looking for a strong seme, or a possessive seme. I prefer semester who fall first but if not that's ok. Just a cool manly dominant seme.