I want proud for Leo to handle fang power but same heartbreak for her. Def badass power but not for what reason cause.
All I want to hugs her (original girl). That bitch is worse of all, I was glad someone was there for children. I did have a wonder why not enough info or scream for help from staff..but truth is that nobody support children at all until duke arrived.
I saw other comment for 116 ch link but I was like wait min.. I miss something but damn im ready to cry because I understand the concept behind it

Honestly, it feel good face slap moment that include parent too. I wish I could that with spoil children come to school and tend be out of control. Even they might ask for feedback how improve behavior but refuse do same thing at home. Almost all bad parent always think school is miracle with no hard work at home too.
This manga is my guilt pleasure to able beat up in bad children/adult. So often I keep read manga/novel where mc struggle with school bully or adult pressure children down. So it feel good like hey wake p call
Base what I understand. Also character map since we almost have two MC: heroine and badass duchess FL. That why chapter 1 and 2 might confuse to reader
Heroine is ML's sister that engagement to bratty crown prince. (I choose heroine because she kind of important character)
crown prince- is actually third prince so bratty due two older princes died.
crown prince's lover- seem like she did scheme something and she was one who step heroine earring
(Key characters and who want help heroine behind scene)
ML is duke married to childhood MC (hardworking his duke land and takeover control after father heartbroken from mother died)
MC married to ML, love ML's family (badass lady can ride horse and use sword). She want beat up crown prince people but she hold back because she need gather facts and evidence to help heroine break engagement without harm her rep.
Reason why heroine able to engagement to prince duo her mother success and got "saint" due her honest work that want help people that illness spread with limit medicine. she found way to have share spread in her land. King granted saint for her successful and arrange marriage her daughter (heroine) to prince
Saint died from overworked to make medicine successful that some nobles don't care and want be selfish. But saint (ml/heroine mom) become well recognized as amazing lady in civilian people's heart
heroine has two friends that able to help heroine by show evidence and defense people who want harm heroine more. However two friend has limit power that why couldn't stop crown prince or highest status bully student