She remind me one stories that i read online.. lady think it okay to take things if she "borrow" the powerful object to help her man.. result everyone hate her and she lost her man due greed..
that kind excuse really stupid think it okay hurt someone if it not poison or take thing as "borrow" item that important to owner.

I know this will be awful with emperor but im here for Empress!!!! plus her second chance in love.
so I hope flashback will be short so we can return to 1st chapter where she announce that she will remarry.. so cool!!
Plus i read another comment about empress in future chapters which sound great person not easily fell back to shit 1st husband

Wow so many things since last time. We got development romance in good pace not out of blue (common in many manga)
Now end of regina come soon but we got plot twist for prince to need get out it. Let hope this issue will not ruin their relationship with our sweet mc.
Ugh Irene, seem like your thought to be empress is full of petty reason... wow im really pity for prince to deal with irene and empress (mother). They don't care about prince's goal

anyone know raw?

There you go (ノ≧∇≦)ノ

I love that see this manga still possible ongoing that great news but I was expected that it suppose to wrap up not new arc.
It will be nice if this manga have goal like one piece (find treasure) or naruto (when he become hokage). Because I was not expect that still ongoing after Eliza woken from her original memory from beginning... That chapter was almost look like ending but nope it play with us.
So I assume that this will ongoing for Goddess upcoming, Merlin's secret and what will arthur play role in this manga. Plus recently new ch Viv mention Chao possible happen.
She don’t want be second wife then don’t think about to have both men. She don’t want but her action say different.