Well story is definitely not special, ending is kinda meh but that's normal for this genre. Overall it's entertaining 7,5/10.
The sad and ironic thing about this story is Aida and Sakurai can be a thing (after Sakurai graduated ofc) even without Aida being a creep+criminal like this. Lol.
Y'know with all those unsolved murders everywhere in real life, I'm sure lots of the culprits lived their life happily like this old man too. One of many reasons why people believe in religion, cause people like these will get divine punishment in hell.
Yoo wtf, why do I just found out about this hidden gem. A masterpiece here, every story is sad and beautiful.
Bruh I love this manga so much, why did they ruined the anime with unnecessary fanservice? It can be the next Mushishi, Natsume Yuujinchou but dayum they turned it into some forgettable cheap anime.
I didn't expect to see the birth of powerful gay couple in this manga. One has brain, one has muscle.
So it's from their water, and among of all those villagers, so far only two of them are immune dayum
This webtoon needs a second male lead so bad. Preferably with personality like Makoto (from Free)
Nothing is horror about this, maybe to some christians.
I thought the assistant is a gurl, so he's actually a cute twink. I smell BL subtext, though in all seriousness they might become enemies.
Surprised rapey shit like this got 9/10 here. I thought you kiddos are woke.
The plot is unique, but the romance is just sucks. Both of the characters feel so flat and the sex scenes are so awkward. Heck this webtoon might get more popular if they just make it horror mystery with BL subtext.
The daddy is sexy, there I said that.
He's probably gonna die at the end though, I mean killer is a killer.