vicious chipmunk did ( All 1 )

read 1000 manga or more

vicious chipmunk's experience ( All 0 )

vicious chipmunk's answer ( All 6 )

Not bad, if I say so myself   3 reply
11 05,2021
this is the best omaga. if you played dressed up mini games as a kid this is for you   reply
19 02,2021
this is strangely addictive   reply
18 02,2021
My first anime ever was Cardcaptor Sakura, and similar to you, I didn't know what anime was. Later I discovered Inuyasha and I got hooked forever. The first manga was Koukou Debut (I read it in one go lol). Ah, so nostalgic   reply
14 08,2020
shipping rl people is creepy delete this   3 reply
15 07,2020

vicious chipmunk's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did i've watched skam s3

i want these people to witness that HORROR of a CP

35 seconds
did omegaverse is a no

i hope you get truly r*ped bro so you know how it feels like why proving is important

2 minutes
want to do mental breakdown

too bad though theyre super heartless as shit

5 minutes