One day. One day it’ll be normalized in manga that non consensual s3x is not hot, cute, or normal. Like if it’s a fetish smut and obviously they depict the mc to be into it; whatever, that’s a pass. But it’s very tiresome and toxic to keep normalizing in almost every single smut and nonsmut that forcing yourself on someone is whatever and there’s no consequences. There are many new and upcoming authors that make consent an actual thing that it should be and make it sexy. That it’s not an awkward thing and that asking for permission use a condom, pulling out, stopping if they say no, etc. I would love to see this pattern where boarder line r@pe is normal and they “end up falling in love anyways” bs stops cuz it’s not cute or appreciated.
Thanks for staying to read my tedtalk, hopefully this change comes sooner, faster rather than slowly later.
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