Idk i just feel like im inlove even tho im not like i dont like anybody my heart just feels uncomfortable and stuffy for no reason and it feels real weird cuz i just feel sad and heart broken even tho im not into anybody at all and i can't think of a person who i like there is just none reply
ME to the point I start imagining my future with them and when i sleep i will hold my own hand and put a pillow on my back then imagine them hugging me from the back reply
Idk not uninterested but never really cared only wondered why they do despicable things for their crush so i ask questions on how it feels like tbh never once hoped&dreamed to fall in love but suddenly I had a fated encounter ( ANIME ) told my mom Im gonna marry ( ANIME ) only my dad agreed but in real people idk i only liked a certain guy cuz he l...... 1 reply
uhhmm how do i say this I've never really had a HARD crush on someone other than anime there was a guy he is half japanese and he looks like a live action anime guy I had a crush on him for 3 days he did like me back(until now) idk so i want to like know how it feels to like someone for LONG time