Rika March 11, 2024 6:03 am

Since I finished rereading the other work, I'm more and more convinced that they are undercover... the seme here has the same name as ML's brother in another work by the same authorヾ(☆▽☆)

Rika September 8, 2023 3:22 pm

(I would like opinions and not just insults or things like Cain/ Yahwi is better!! please)

Finally, Jooin is no longer passive but he is showing character.
Cain wants to have a relationship with Jooin. Okay. But on what basis? Without telling him anything about him? What do we know about him? Nothing. Not even age (not shown on student ID).
And one thing that really bothered me: how can you confess you love someone and yet hide your true identity from him? Guys, Jooin is mad because this and Cain what he does? He blames Yahwi if there's a problem between them . Really? wtf.
Here the blame lies solely with Cain and that's it. If I don't say anything about myself, I can't blame others. This is called manipulation...
What did Jooin ask when he rejected Cain? Sincerity. Did he ever receive it? No.

Story-wise, does it really matter that he's the reincarnation of the dog? It's not a fantasy story and I don't see how this factor could have an impact on the plot. But if it really was, shouldn't Jooin at least have some memories? (I doubt since he already has memory problems)And how can a person call himself (even in Korean) by the scientific name of the wolf? It seems very much like a fake identity to me. But then what's the point?

I know it sounds strange but I'm starting to think that Cain (or his family) might be working for Yahwi's grandfather. If I remember correctly, Cain appears right after the discussion between grandfather and Yawi and after meeting Jooin in person....

I think that the next chapters will probably focus on Cain. Maybe author now wants to explain both MLs and then Jooin's big decision? Idk.
And I'm still waiting to see who wrote the post on the university forum (90% chance it was Cain in my opinion, or someone on grandpa's orders)

    Just September 8, 2023 4:12 pm

    Wait, I think I read your comment on Twitter. It was like in 3 or 4 post parts.

    I haven't read YTC since Cain left because, in my opinion, it was going nowhere in terms of storytelling. And thanks to the comment sections on social media platforms, I can keep up with the story progression.

    I believe that something might have happened to the author during the hiatus he took. Maybe, when he started publishing the story, he didn't expect it to receive so many reactions from the fans. After all, he touched on sensitive topics that might have shaken so many people who read the story before the hiatus. I'm basing this on the fact that I've read comments on social media that the author took some time off from writing.

    So obviously, when he came back from the hiatus, he had to first work on fixing the mistake that caused the entire mess. And that is Yahwi. Many, for the author, from the moment he thought of the YTC concept, Yahwi, and Jooin are meant to be together no matter what is thrown at them. But after seeing that the public did not react the way he planned, which sent a withdrawal on his hand maybe to meditate on the story.

    So obviously, he had to remove Cain for a while so that Yahwi's sobby story (which of course is truly traumatizing to have experienced, I'm not saying disregarding that).

    You might say: "he could have shared Cain's side of the story before the hiatus. Or when the opportunity was there?" The thing is Cain is not the end game of the story based on how the author is going with the story so that is why Cain is not his first priority. But, I feel like, after he took almost an entire month telling Yahwi's story and seeing how many people are not excusing his action toward Jooin, it brings him to maybe consider coming up with a plot on how to get people learning more toward Yahwi.

    So I believe, he can see the reaction it is provoking just by reading people's comments. Of course, he will play with that in order to create Cain's story that will force people to lean toward Yahwi and Jooin as an end-game couple. As he had planned.

    Kari September 8, 2023 4:45 pm
    Wait, I think I read your comment on Twitter. It was like in 3 or 4 post parts.I haven't read YTC since Cain left because, in my opinion, it was going nowhere in terms of storytelling. And thanks to the comment... Just

    This is how I think too! The hate both authors faced (the artist more because of twitter) was terrible at the time and I guess they were never expecting it to get the way it did.
    Somehow some BL authors still think that as long as a sad backstory is shown later in the story that almost everyone will forgive and forget all the bad things a character did since the first chapter. I think a lot of people are tired of the “justifying” seme’s toxic behaviors with tragic pasts and that’s why some reacted badly, but all that hate should have never happened. It’s just a story after all. We can disagree without being terrible humans beings.
    About Cain, I guess it’s difficult for the authors to “delete” him from the story right now because until now he was the good guy who took care of the uke and there’s not a lot of reason to hate him and like Yahwi more at the moment. The way I see this going is they suddenly making Cain’s a bad character in his background story, in order to achieve the ending where Jooin and Yahwi get together, because the rule of most BL’s is: the seme who appears first and shares a childhood past with the uke is the end game, not minding the toxic path it took to get there.
    In the end Cain’s just there to cause some drama and he was never an option for the authors since he appeared.

    Just September 8, 2023 5:11 pm
    This is how I think too! The hate both authors faced (the artist more because of twitter) was terrible at the time and I guess they were never expecting it to get the way it did.Somehow some BL authors still th... Kari

    I didn't even know that the hate he received was that intense. But then again, the mess was irreversible. And I've seen that sobby and cringy pattern that many BL authors have been forcing down our throats. And I hope the story can be the expectation of that norm. But, I believe that something was sinisterly done to this story that created that armageddon among the readers. And it was time for some readers to point out the sensitivity of the issue.

    It is true that Cain, for the author, was meant to be seen as a thorn. But the readers were divided and many leaned toward Cain because he represented what many people wished for in a relationship. Someone who sees them and loves them for who they are.

    Just as you said, the author needs to come up with some dark background stories of Cain that he pulled up his livers so that people can side more with Yahwi.

    Basically, it'll all be a tactic of manipulation.

    Rika September 8, 2023 11:07 pm

    Yes I wrote this on Twitter yesterday! haha

    In reality I only started reading YTC recently and at the beginning I didn't even know the reason for the pause... I thought it was simply dropped by the author. I didn't even know about the Twitter thing. So did the author and the artist experience all this hate? omg

    I understand very well the speech said even if at the beginning I like Cain, I started to hate him almost immediately. It's a character that has never been characterized much and only introduced to make the MC apparently happy in his "dark" moment of the story.
    As for me, I would never choose Cain if I was the MC.
    From what I'm reading, I would prefer an ending where everyone goes their own way and stops.
    Why? Because all three have made such mistakes that they cannot have a relationship with each other.
    Cain is too manipulative, some phrases said in the past and the recent chapter should make this clear immediately.

    I admit that by now I would like to see the finished work and stop, I have completely lost the interest I had when I started it.

    Just September 9, 2023 7:24 am
    Yes I wrote this on Twitter yesterday! hahaIn reality I only started reading YTC recently and at the beginning I didn't even know the reason for the pause... I thought it was simply dropped by the author. I did... Rika


    Neither did I know the extent of the hate the author received. I started reading this story last year I believe and by the time I reached the chapter leading to the hiatus, there was still no update of the new chapter. Then it was only while doing research if the story was canceled that I came across a post on Reddit that explained the reason the author took a break. I still don't know to this day, how bad the hate comments were. So my assumption was based on the bit I gathered.

    I normally don't read triangle stories. But I started reading this story because I had read the author's previous work which was OKish in my opinion. So I didn't know what I was getting myself into while diving into this story.

    I completely understand that many people do not like Cain. Many because he feels mysterious or hides things, and only shows his good side and not his bad side.

    The reason why I prefer Cain to Yahwi is that despite the secret or all the known about him, he never laid his hand on Jooin nor abused him. Saying this does not mean that I'm part of any team. I'm part of any team.

    If it wasn't for Cain, the story would have turned extremely depressive. Between raped, psychological/sexual/mental abuse Jooin received from Yahwi, and how dark the story was progressing, I have to admit that Cain is what brings something new and lighter to the story.

    It's true we do not know much about him. Just as I said in my previous comment, it had to do with the confusion the author felt while writing the story. For the author, his end game is Jooin and Yahwi. And Cain was just a thing of time but what might have happened was that readers started siding with Cain and hating the character Yahwi.

    All that caused a hiatus and maybe questioning how to make people love Yahwi again. So Cain not being the priority at the moment, in the author's storytelling, that's why we do not know much about him.

    I get why people are mad at him for not sharing everything with Jooin. But ask yourself, this, when you have a crush on someone and you guys haven't even officialized your relationship, you won't be dumping all your stresses on them. You'll first wait until things are official. I know I would.

    Rika September 9, 2023 8:23 am
    LmaoNeither did I know the extent of the hate the author received. I started reading this story last year I believe and by the time I reached the chapter leading to the hiatus, there was still no update of the ... Just

    I generally like reading love triangles only if the characters are characterized. In the case of YTC, I don't see this characterization in Cain and because of this I lost a lot of interest in the story. But not just part of anyone's team. lol (Yahwi team only for character design lol I like dark hair boys (▰˘◡˘▰) )

    I don't like Cain's character because he is written to look like an angel. Which is not possible if you analyze his actions / phrases that he says in the story. And I don't understand how everyone thinks this is a green flag. He may not have done Yahwi's things but he also tricked Jooin into living together with the lie of the scam. And there are lots of little red flags, phrases said that aren't green flags ML (for me).

    I'm sorry, but I think differently about that. In this case, Jooin rejects Cain for this very reason. He would like sincerity.
    Honestly, I too would never have agreed to go out with someone (who has already declared his love for me) but who doesn't want to reveal his true identity to me. If it had been my case, if I really couldn't reveal the reason, I would have said something in a partial way, like "it's a matter that concerns my family (or something similar, it's an example) but as soon as I've sorted everything out I'll tell you everything ". Not that I disappear in the middle of the night, after receiving a suspicious call (which I completely walked out of the building I live in for speak) without saying anything. For me it would have been a reason to salute the potential partner directly and never meet him again.
    And even the call of the last chapter, it is strictly incorrect to blame another person for the relationship not working. if I didn't reveal anything in the beginning and I try to mislead so as not to respond by blaming another person. It's too much manipulation for me.

    Just September 9, 2023 8:55 am
    I generally like reading love triangles only if the characters are characterized. In the case of YTC, I don't see this characterization in Cain and because of this I lost a lot of interest in the story. But not... Rika

    I believe that the author succeeded in creating reactions in people regarding Cain.

    I hear you.

    It's true Cain lied about the apartment to be close to Jooin. That was like a white lie. Had lied about the apartment, gone to Jooin's apartment then raped him or abused him, I would have said, FUCK is worse than Yahwi. But he didn't do that. Of course, there was a sweet manipulation so that he stayed close to Jooin. I can't be mad about that compared to the sexual, psychological, emotional, and mental abuse Yahwi made him go through.

    It's true that Cain appeared out of nowhere. I feel like there is some supernatural story around that. Plus there is a red box has been wanting to give Jooin. But never find the right time. I don't know if the author wants to bring to the world the same type of power as his previous stories. Hence it might explain why and how Cain knew Jooin since day 1.

    You spoke about phrases that he might have used to manipulate situations. Well, I didn't see it that way.

    It's true that he sweet talker maybe that is something he learned through the supernatural world when he was with Jooin. We don't know that

    Plus, his life at home doesn't look bright so he might have found an escape through some supernatural stone where he lives happily and maybe learned about how to sweet talk.

    How do you think Jooin might have reacted if from day one Cain would have told him? I always meet you through some stones that have a super power and we are lovers in that life. And we've been living happily ever after. This will definitely make him look like a crazy stalker and scare Jooin the hell away. lol

    Rika September 9, 2023 9:49 am

    (I'm not attacking or anything,it's just my opinion), but I don't see it as a white lie.
    From my point of view, he tried/took advantage of the situation to get closer to Jooin (whom he was already in love with) to create a chance for himself and take him away from Yahwi. I'm sorry but just as I don't like Yahwi's behavior, I also condemn Cain's. (This is why I would prefer that no one ends up with anyone.)

    The way the story was set up, it would be too strange for me to suddenly go supernatural now.
    (I read the author's other story but I admit that I don't have much memory of it so sorry but i don't understand XD)

    Is the red box the one at the time of the confession? Wasn't it a ring? I'm sorry but I really forgot a lot of details since i lost interest ╥﹏╥
    And what are these stones you speak of? I don't remember anything other than Cain being Jooin's dog in the past. Which chapter are you referring to? If you remember it.

    About manipulation, I speak from direct experience and many sentences have unlocked a memory of a past relationship for me so it can be different from person to person :)

    I'm not saying reveal all the secrets, but after you live together for some time, you confess and everything you could have mentioned XD Eventually at their first meeting, it is Cain himself who calls Jooin "master" and tells him that he was his dog in the past XD

    Rika September 9, 2023 11:00 am
    I believe that the author succeeded in creating reactions in people regarding Cain.I hear you.It's true Cain lied about the apartment to be close to Jooin. That was like a white lie. Had lied about the apartmen... Just

    Forgive me for the double message (there was a power backout and I couldn't send the continuous one)

    I don't think the supernatural plot has much weight in the story because in 3 seasons it has never been there, except in Cain's past life.
    And also because in the official story tags on official Korean sites, the "supernatural" tag is missing. Where in the author's other work there was instead.

    And sorry, the talk about the stones was referring to the power of the other work, I remembered now! So, Don't pay attention to what I wrote above about stones XD

    Just September 9, 2023 1:32 pm
    (I'm not attacking or anything,it's just my opinion), but I don't see it as a white lie.From my point of view, he tried/took advantage of the situation to get closer to Jooin (whom he was already in love with) ... Rika

    Don't worry, I don't take it as an attack. It's good to share each other's point of view and see how we look at the story.

    One thing we can agree on is that all of them should just be single at least if they are not worthy enough to be in a relationship. In my opinion, since the author did a horrible story covering Yahwi's side of the story, I'll say he made things worse for Yahwi. I'm not trying to attack the author, I'm just pointing out the fall in the story.

    Many people argue that Cain stole Jooin from Yahwi while they were still together. I recall, that even before Cain came to Europe, Jooin was already questioning his relationship with Yahwi. Of course, like any victim of domestic violence, he did not master enough strength to escape the abuse. I get that you see it as Cain taking advantage of the situation. But I'll stand firm in my belief that he did not take advantage. I think Cain handled himself correctly for some part. I'd understand that it was not easy for him to see the person he loves being mistreated by someone who doesn't even value him and he can't do anything about it but to heal their pain.

    Yes the red box, I think had something special in it. I'm just the one who said that a stone might be inside. But it can also be a magic ring.
    Sorry, the stone is related to the author's previous work. I was just wondering where the supernatural side of a story will come from. And it's true that we are already at chapter 82 and still no clear line in the story. Then again, the author might also be done with the story so they are just publishing to get a closure for themselves as well.

    It's true that the trigger in the story comes from many aspects. You have from Yahwi's side with rape, psychological, emotional, and mental abuse, his manipulation of the childhood trauma to gain compassion and to have Jooin date him again. You have from Cain's side with his mysterious personality, not telling Jooin everything. Then from Jooin, for being too weak not to stand firm or not to know how to make a decision. I can see that the trigger from you is more leaning toward Cain's side. But personally, I'd rather go for Cain's manipulation than Yahwi. Yahwi (even though he is hot; I also have something for dark-haired characters) is too damaged for me. He really needs a lot of therapy. He can't just say: "I changed. I hurt you because I have known you since childhood so I have a past, or bla bla bla)", then everything will be ok.

    It's true that Cain calls or used to call Jooin "Master". And he did explain they knew each other in another life. I'll still stick with it, Sometimes your dark secrets are never easy to share, especially with the person you have a crush on or the person you love the most. So for Cain, I see it as baby steps until he is comfortable to open himself up :-). It is not because someone tells you to jump that you'll jump right away, you need them to also give you a reason.

    Just September 9, 2023 1:34 pm
    Forgive me for the double message (there was a power backout and I couldn't send the continuous one)I don't think the supernatural plot has much weight in the story because in 3 seasons it has never been there,... Rika

    Don't worry about it.

    At this point, the author has lost so much time in going around. I'm just curious where will the supernatural come from.
    Let's read and see :-)

    Just September 9, 2023 5:07 pm
    Don't worry about it.At this point, the author has lost so much time in going around. I'm just curious where will the supernatural come from.Let's read and see :-) Just

    Let's read and see! I made myself laugh...lol

    I actually stopped reading when Cain left because I felt like the author was not getting anywhere.

    So thank you for the comment sections on all social media platforms, I can keep up with the story :-).

    Just September 9, 2023 5:19 pm

    Sorry for so many Comments.

    "Let's read and see" ----

    I laughed because I said it in the closing of one of my comments. That's why I was laughing. Because just as said, I kind of put a pause on reading the story because it was getting nowhere in my opinion in terms of character evolution.

    So thanks to the comment sections on social media platforms, I can keep up with the story and know where the author is taking it.

    Rika September 15, 2023 5:39 am

    I thought I answered, sorry!
    Ps: Below is my comment on the new chapter, if you haven't read it yet, don't read the message yet!

    As I thought, there won't be a fantasy element in this story and the way the work was set up, the meaning of reincarnation is null. It's not a fantasy world, and only Cain remembers his past. At first I thought his family knew about it and that's why they called him that. (otherwise what parent would name his son Canis lupus? lol ).

    The family's behavior is correct in my opinion. (And I honestly felt very sorry for the family. These are not words to say to a mother and father who raised you with love..even if you are blind for love, these are not things to say so impulsively.)
    It's not a fantasy world but reality. Cain may be in love with Jooin but at what cost? Throw away your entire school career, dreams, friends and family just for him?
    And then? How will he live? (I imagine that now he can do what he wants because he receives money from the family.. but what if it will be cut? With what education will he be able to find a job if he leaves college?)
    If at the beginning the relationship goes well but then they break up .. what will remain? Nothing.

    The father said that he will do everything to keep him from returning to Jooin, saying that he could also do bad things. On a whim of mine (because I still don't know the other person's feelings, especially if I tell him about the family situation that could make him uncomfortable or in any case accept my feelings out of pity) I put Jooin or his future in danger.
    This is all so wrong in my opinion...

    As it turns out, this is why Cain can't tell Jooin the truth (he already told him that he was his dog in the past and already there Jooin was quite skeptical and if not wrong he said something like, he's crazy ?).
    Jooin is very careful about people's judgment, you can see when there were rumors about him and Yawhi. If so, what could you do? Reject Cain to make him return to his family or accept him but out of pity (because he literally threw away his whole life for him.). Would this be a healthy relationship? No.

    And the dog is defined par excellence as "man's best friend". It makes me very strange that Cain has been reincarnated and seeks, instead of friendship, love towards the one who was his master in the past. It makes me weird that "my past dog" fu***d me. lol
    (If Jooin is really the real master or maybe a new character that could be introduced)

    I remain of the opinion that the most fitting ending is for all three to go to the psychologist to heal their internal wounds and find their other path elsewhere.

Rika August 30, 2023 11:46 am

Has anyone read the whole novel and can give some spoilers? (I stopped just further along at this point in the novel) and for now I can't continue reading ╥﹏╥ I need more time ╥﹏╥

    rex August 30, 2023 12:51 pm

    yes please someone who read the novel pelase spoil it Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Lueurr August 30, 2023 2:00 pm

    Where did you read the novel?

    Rika August 30, 2023 2:40 pm
    Where did you read the novel? Lueurr

    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰)

    mynameisavatar August 30, 2023 2:45 pm
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    Heellloo I would also like to know the link of the novel, can you send it too me to?

    Rika August 30, 2023 2:52 pm
    Heellloo I would also like to know the link of the novel, can you send it too me to? mynameisavatar

    ok! (●'◡'●)ノ

    mynameisavatar August 30, 2023 3:14 pm
    ok! (●'◡'●)ノ Rika

    Thank u <3

    Lueurr August 30, 2023 6:10 pm
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    Thx ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Coco August 30, 2023 7:10 pm
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    Hiii, can you also send me the link pretty please? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    Rika August 31, 2023 2:23 am
    Hiii, can you also send me the link pretty please? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ Coco

    Sent (●'◡'●)ノ

    evilpeach August 31, 2023 11:38 am
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    Could you also send me the link pls? I'm dying of curiosity on what happens next~

    Kim Dokja's Fat Ass August 31, 2023 1:07 pm
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    Could you also send it to me? much appreciated!

    Rika August 31, 2023 2:39 pm

    Sent (●'◡'●)ノ

    Bankai September 3, 2023 8:33 pm
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    Hii! I’m a bit late but could I also have the novel link please? (●'◡'●)ノ

    Pinky September 7, 2023 6:39 am
    Sent (●'◡'●)ノ Rika

    Can you sent me link plz. Pretty please

    angle101 September 15, 2023 9:03 am
    I don't know if I can put a link here, I'll send it to you by message (▰˘◡˘▰) Rika

    can i get the novel link as well pls :’))

    Rika September 15, 2023 9:08 am
    can i get the novel link as well pls :’)) angle101

    Sent (●'◡'●)ノ

Rika August 21, 2023 11:18 pm

Does anyone have any spoilers for the novel? (no of the raw because I've already read the last chapter) ╥﹏╥

    Rika August 21, 2023 11:22 pm

    *from the novel

Rika July 29, 2023 3:29 am

Spoiler ch 24
This is what I understood by translating (thanks G. translate)
It is probable that there are errors in the translation!

In chapter 24, during his aunt's funeral, and old lady say to "not to go to the mountain after dark because the mountain god resides there and eat children".
MC go there because sad for the abandonment of the father and the dead of the aunt and make three wishes because If he really can grant his wishes, he doesn't care about being eaten:
First wish: "Save my aunt."
Second wish "Revive and give him back to me" but the entity said he can't bring the dead back to life.
MC think that doesn't want to be abandoned and be alone, he wants another family and to help him.
So the desire became "Another family".

(And the other 2? Idk)

The entity (Hyung) should have accepted this one wish (and in fact he returned with a new family for him.)

There is a part where Hyung talks and we see MC fell off the cliff, but here translating came up with nonsense sentence... sorry

We return to the present and MC starts to think "My aunt died unjustly at a young age.
It's just that my situation is scary and sad.
It doesn't have to be my aunt, I just don't care whoever will take care of me...
Maybe Sunbae...Did I see right through to this kind of person?

So MC is he really in love or not with Sunbae? Or he just wanted someone close to him?? (my thoughts).

Hyung says that there's no problem with MC and he didn't do anything wrong. He were just a less lucky than the others and now no one can make you unhappy...Because he is here.

And it looks like Hyung is going to kiss him, but ends without showing it.

Rika July 24, 2023 2:35 am

Not a real spoiler but some of my considerations...

Is it possible that Won was in love with Jinha from the start? And not Jinseo's? Jinha's name recurs frequently in the pages of Jinseo's diary... and it doesn't seem to be a happy reason (from the Jinseo's perspective)..
And is the man together with Won in the end a lover (or the real lover) of him (or someone he sleeps with for money?) it doesn't feel like a flashback to me.....
I'm really imagining all possible scenario......

It's so confusing... anyone have spoilers? ╥﹏╥

Rika July 21, 2023 11:47 am

I need therapy after last chapter (62) ╥﹏╥

    skylar July 21, 2023 12:28 pm

    Whyyy what happens???

    Rika July 21, 2023 2:35 pm

    ! Spoiler alert (ch 62) !

    Taeyoon is shot and he passes out (probably from the great loss of blood).
    The other alpha (can't remember his name) takes Jaein away from him and start talking about "our baby" ( claim that his baby and not Taeyoon's)

    skylar July 21, 2023 7:01 pm
    ! Spoiler alert (ch 62) !Taeyoon is shot and he passes out (probably from the great loss of blood).The other alpha (can't remember his name) takes Jaein away from him and start talking about "our baby" ( claim ... Rika

    Nuuuu, where did you read it thooo, aghhhh(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ why can't they live in peace (/TДT)/

    Rika July 21, 2023 11:52 pm

    I bought the scan directly from the Korean site!

    But you can read on pawmanga or zinchanmanga up to ch 61. Use an adblocker because the latest site is full of pop ups!

    Sinfully9 July 22, 2023 11:15 am
    ! Spoiler alert (ch 62) !Taeyoon is shot and he passes out (probably from the great loss of blood).The other alpha (can't remember his name) takes Jaein away from him and start talking about "our baby" ( claim ... Rika

    This is the reason why...i need to stop reading it.

    I'll come back aftr the storm passes

    AnonymousQ August 2, 2023 9:47 pm
    ! Spoiler alert (ch 62) !Taeyoon is shot and he passes out (probably from the great loss of blood).The other alpha (can't remember his name) takes Jaein away from him and start talking about "our baby" ( claim ... Rika

    What the f is the point of that, when he could have just not aborted his own child…..Don’t know what you got ‘til it’s gone or something?

Rika July 20, 2023 3:11 pm

I made the mistake of starting reading without seeing that it was still in progress so..
Premise: I don't have a favorite ML..

What's good about a Cain? At first I liked him but now I'm hating.. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Ok sounds sweet but:
- tricked uke to live together
-(I think) he is the one that wrote the post on the university forum
-Keep hiding things
-Honestly the reincarnation thing doesn't hold up in my opinion...

The other ML ok, did very bad things but:

-We don't know where the trauma comes from
(I think a person he trusted killed his parents instead so that would explain his behavior)
-When he realizes he's in love, he's trying to make it up to uke.

Honestly if I had to choose, I wouldn't choose either of them but if I really have to, I prefer Yahwi ( ̄へ ̄)

    July 20, 2023 3:05 pm

    i hate cain a lot but he actually didn’t have sex with jooin when he was drunk. i just wanted to correct that haha but i agree with all you wrote!

    Rika July 20, 2023 3:11 pm
    i hate cain a lot but he actually didn’t have sex with jooin when he was drunk. i just wanted to correct that haha but i agree with all you wrote!

    Oops, I will surely be wrong with another manga haha
    Thanks for the correction! (●'◡'●)ノ

    Rika July 20, 2023 3:17 pm

    I edited the comment and it's like new oops
    I'm sorry for the person who commented and corrected me for what I wrote wrong ╥﹏╥

Rika July 20, 2023 11:43 am

Has anyone read the novel and can give spoilers? ╥﹏╥

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