kunimeme did ( All 1 )

masturbated to yaoi

kunimeme's experience ( All 0 )

kunimeme's answer ( All 6 )

Nope. I am a child of divorced parents and marriage only brings trouble imo. Why not just live together? Your lives will be just the same like in a marriage. The only nice thing about marriage is the wedding day. But hey, that's just my opinion   2 reply
08 11,2019
I think every thought of suicide is serious and yes I have thought about it several times. I constantly have these nagging thoughts like 'why still bother?', 'I don't want to live like this', 'make it stop' etc. But I have made actual plans before as well. I was too chicken to act on them though. I don't even think I am glad I didn't kill myself th......   reply
08 11,2019
I have no idea and I'm almost 25. I don't really care anyways. I have been with a guy before, but never with a girl or someone who identifies differently. I guess I could be attracted to other genders? I think? Anyway, I don't think it's a big deal and whatever happens, happens. I'm not actively looking for a partner, but should I meet someone, i t......   reply
07 11,2019
I've been in love before, so I can't relate to your situation. Though it was only once. And I cried myself to sleep for an entire week when they broke up with me. Loving someone and being in love with someone are 2 different things. I can't really describe what it felt like to be in love with someone, other than the cliche stuff like always wanting......   reply
25 10,2019
Someone loud. I'm very quiet and introverted and I feel like all my best friends are the opposite. We complement each other. I'd rather listen to someone than initiate conversations and think of interesting topics. They don't have to talk all the time, but then they most definitely be comfortable when it's silent   reply
25 10,2019

kunimeme's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did your opinions

Read smut in the public transport and didn't even feel anything

4 hours
did become gay

the gayest that gay can be

6 hours
did become gay

all these niggas is gay(yes i'm black and i'm not gay i'm bi lol)

7 hours