guineapigslayer February 24, 2025 7:46 am

Lmfao as good as the sex scene was in ch64 I couldn't stop laughing everytime the author drew Jaekyung's wide-eyed cartoonishly shocked expression at being rejected multiple times. I still hate Kim Dan but round of applause for him for atleast gaining some self-worth.

    dareader February 24, 2025 7:49 am

    why do u hate kim dan?

    guineapigslayer February 24, 2025 8:26 am
    why do u hate kim dan? dareader

    I'm not a fan of submissive pushover bottoms. He's constantly self-blaming, very easily manipulated, pathetic, has the personality of a wet rag - I feel like his entire personality is that he loves his grandma. He doesn't stand up for himself at all, and when he does, he doesn't enforce those boundaries and ends up allowing people to ignore and walk all over him. I understand the factors playing into why he acts the way he does, for example Jaekyung's manipulation, likely depressive disorder, etc. It doesn't change my view on Dan at all though. I just feel like overall Kim Dan is extremely boring, and lacking in personality

    dareader February 25, 2025 8:15 am
    I'm not a fan of submissive pushover bottoms. He's constantly self-blaming, very easily manipulated, pathetic, has the personality of a wet rag - I feel like his entire personality is that he loves his grandma.... guineapigslayer

    ohh, i see.

guineapigslayer February 3, 2025 8:28 am

NOOOOOO DAN!!! SOLDIER DOWN I repeat we have a soldier down he was doing so good too UGH

guineapigslayer January 27, 2025 9:32 am

The only happy ending I could imagine is Jaekyung losing to a guy during his next fight and that guy ends up with Kim Dan. Only so much abuse and harassment is forgivable imo, and Jaekyung is beyond that point. Either that, or they both kill themselves. I’ll give a standing ovation if the author manages to pull off a good finish to this story where they both end up in a happy relationship. There’s still hoping.

    lilith42 January 27, 2025 11:42 am


    ktdkzone January 27, 2025 9:49 pm

    If that Painter of the night with top abusing the shit out of bottom 10x can have a sweet happy ending with everyone sucking Seungho's dick as if he was the sweet summer child then dw Jaekyung is way mild compared to all lmao so yeah it would be way easier to redeem him.

    Randomreader-.- January 27, 2025 10:38 pm
    If that Painter of the night with top abusing the shit out of bottom 10x can have a sweet happy ending with everyone sucking Seungho's dick as if he was the sweet summer child then dw Jaekyung is way mild compa... ktdkzone

    Thankyouuu, was thinking exactly that. It’s honestly so tiring how many people are calling him a black flag when they literally made a deal. Jae gives money, Kim Dan offers sex in return. People are acting like Jae forced himself onto him meanwhile Kim literally himself accepted all the offers. So yeah the redemption arc shouldnt take that long

    That'sweird January 27, 2025 10:53 pm
    If that Painter of the night with top abusing the shit out of bottom 10x can have a sweet happy ending with everyone sucking Seungho's dick as if he was the sweet summer child then dw Jaekyung is way mild compa... ktdkzone


    Domosama January 28, 2025 2:36 am
    Thankyouuu, was thinking exactly that. It’s honestly so tiring how many people are calling him a black flag when they literally made a deal. Jae gives money, Kim Dan offers sex in return. People are acting li... Randomreader-.-

    I agree

    ktdkzone January 28, 2025 5:33 am
    Thankyouuu, was thinking exactly that. It’s honestly so tiring how many people are calling him a black flag when they literally made a deal. Jae gives money, Kim Dan offers sex in return. People are acting li... Randomreader-.-

    People who call him black flag seems like jinx is their first BL cause no way you are calling Jaekyung a black glad. He is not even dark red in the first place. Is he an asshole, jerk? Yes but man's just too mild compared to the shitty tops I have read lmao so it's really funny when people say I dunno how the author will redeem himself girl it's a lot easier to redeem him if a literal psychopath like Caesar is getting redeemed lmao.

    That'sweird January 28, 2025 9:30 am
    People who call him black flag seems like jinx is their first BL cause no way you are calling Jaekyung a black glad. He is not even dark red in the first place. Is he an asshole, jerk? Yes but man's just too m... ktdkzone

    you made me feel like I'm alive ,thank you so much sir~~

    guineapigslayer January 28, 2025 10:20 am
    Thankyouuu, was thinking exactly that. It’s honestly so tiring how many people are calling him a black flag when they literally made a deal. Jae gives money, Kim Dan offers sex in return. People are acting li... Randomreader-.-

    Yeah, I agree that everything they did inside their deal was fine because Kim Dan willingly came back. Jaekyung was an asshole, sure, but they had an agreement. The part that irks me and the reason I wrote my comment in the first place is because of the stalking, harassment and abuse AFTER the deal ended which isn't justifiable. I don't know why people would rather die defending Jaekyung's name than admit he's a douchebag (atleast after the deal with Kim Dan ended). I'm still hoping he has a good redemption arc or he dies

    guineapigslayer January 28, 2025 10:28 am
    People who call him black flag seems like jinx is their first BL cause no way you are calling Jaekyung a black glad. He is not even dark red in the first place. Is he an asshole, jerk? Yes but man's just too m... ktdkzone

    He's definitelyyyyy dark red, not black, but dark red. I think the amount of toxic content on here has just drastically dropped the bar of standard for most people. Jaekyung verbally and physically abuses people around him to find the location of someone who wants nothing to do with him, he's a borderline rapist, abuser, narcissist, and so many other things. He's definitely not mild and I've read my fair share of toxic tops, the only thinking keeping his flag red and not black is that he hasn't committed murder and isn't batshit crazy (arguable). Like someone else mentioned I hope the redemption arc is as good as the painter of the night one lol.

    Randomreader-.- January 28, 2025 7:05 pm
    Yeah, I agree that everything they did inside their deal was fine because Kim Dan willingly came back. Jaekyung was an asshole, sure, but they had an agreement. The part that irks me and the reason I wrote my c... guineapigslayer

    The deal just ended when Dan left, the first time they met again Jaekhyung saved his life otherwise he would’ve killed himself. I also wouldn’t let someone be alone after they attempted, even if I would come off as a stalker or just annoying. That Jaekyung is a jerk isnt new, but it isnt like he has done things that are unforgivable.

    Domosama January 28, 2025 7:42 pm
    The deal just ended when Dan left, the first time they met again Jaekhyung saved his life otherwise he would’ve killed himself. I also wouldn’t let someone be alone after they attempted, even if I would com... Randomreader-.-

    I agree again

    guineapigslayer January 29, 2025 1:27 am
    The deal just ended when Dan left, the first time they met again Jaekhyung saved his life otherwise he would’ve killed himself. I also wouldn’t let someone be alone after they attempted, even if I would com... Randomreader-.-

    Jaekyung isn’t staying around Kim Dan so that Kim Dan doesn’t kill himself out of the love of his heart, lmao. He doesn’t give a fuck about people unless they benefit him, which Dan does. You’re desperately searching for some sort of romantic chemistry to justify his actions when there is none. He’s done plenty that are unforgivable, your standards are just all over the place because of the amount of toxic yaoi on here setting it low.

    ktdkzone January 29, 2025 6:34 am
    He's definitelyyyyy dark red, not black, but dark red. I think the amount of toxic content on here has just drastically dropped the bar of standard for most people. Jaekyung verbally and physically abuses peopl... guineapigslayer

    I disagree with him being dark red lol. I have read my fair share of BLs too and I can say he is a red flag and not a dark red. He is a massive asshole, jerk and an abuser? Yeah, but I would still say what he has done is so mild compared to the other red flags bl tops. Him going at Heesung doesn't make him a dark red lmao. The only problem with Jaekyung is his personality is not charming and his EQ is abysmal are the reasons he gets a lot of hate because I see people simping over Zhenya despite being 10x worse than jjk. Also painter of the night redemption is not good lmao if you really wanna quote a good one you should quote Taeju's redemption arc from low tide in Twilight. With that being said my point is jjk is one of the easiest bl tops to redeem... all he gotta do his fix his personality.

    guineapigslayer January 29, 2025 7:54 am
    I disagree with him being dark red lol. I have read my fair share of BLs too and I can say he is a red flag and not a dark red. He is a massive asshole, jerk and an abuser? Yeah, but I would still say what he h... ktdkzone

    I was going to quote Taeju's redemption arc, I heavily agree with you there, though Jaekyung will not be easy to redeem. I think a lot of readers have become desensitized to abuse in BLs, so they minimize the severity of the abuse and try to justify it by saying "well, there's worse". I also used to think these weren't that bad until I took a year break from reading and actually re-read them properly. I think Jaekyung could've been redeemed right after the deal between him and Dan ended, with an apology at the very LEAST after he found out Dan didn't screw him over. The way he acts after the deal ended, especially all events after Dan tries to off himself is where I don't think he could ever do enough to turn into a decent person with a redemption arc. His personality isn't even the problem, he's clearly mentally ill with the mentality of a disobedient child who breaks things and gets angry when he doesn't get what he wants. Defending an abuser while the victim is actively trying to go no-contact and escape them is just crazy in itself.

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 12:43 pm
    I disagree with him being dark red lol. I have read my fair share of BLs too and I can say he is a red flag and not a dark red. He is a massive asshole, jerk and an abuser? Yeah, but I would still say what he h... ktdkzone


    ktdkzone January 29, 2025 1:44 pm
    I was going to quote Taeju's redemption arc, I heavily agree with you there, though Jaekyung will not be easy to redeem. I think a lot of readers have become desensitized to abuse in BLs, so they minimize the s... guineapigslayer

    If you can agree with Taeju's redemption arc then it's really not crazy to think jjk can be redeemed too because he didn't even do half of what Taeju did to his bottom. I do agree that there is so much toxicity and abuse in BLs that it makes you desensitised. I have to disagree with you here that jjk could have been redeemed with an apology NOPE if he has apologised right after that it would be doing 180 and would be so out of character for him. Jjk is a brat who acts like a spoiled child and very childish in nature. He needs to first realise that what he did to Dan is horrible and he shouldn't have treated him that way. Rn he doesn't even realise his own feelings him slowly realising that how much he fucked up and then genuinely apologising for what he did and try to amend his past actions would be perfect for his character. And I'm sorry his personality is the problem lol...I stand by it because there is a reason why people hate him but love the literal psychopaths tops. I never said jjk is not an abuser? Also you need to understand that this is a fiction and a BL at the end of the day, not real life.

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 2:35 pm
    If you can agree with Taeju's redemption arc then it's really not crazy to think jjk can be redeemed too because he didn't even do half of what Taeju did to his bottom. I do agree that there is so much toxicity... ktdkzone

    very much agreed!!!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

    guineapigslayer January 29, 2025 4:10 pm
    If you can agree with Taeju's redemption arc then it's really not crazy to think jjk can be redeemed too because he didn't even do half of what Taeju did to his bottom. I do agree that there is so much toxicity... ktdkzone

    I understand the distinction between fiction and real life, but I still have morals, like others on here do. I would love to see what you suggested for a possible redemption arc. Though I feel like the author could have started that after seeing Dan try to kill himself, it was the perfect opportunity to atleast show an inner monologue that maybe Jaekyung isn’t completely sociopathic and ignorant to Dan’s feelings. Buuuuuuuut the author decided to go with making Jaekyung stalk and harrass Dan after the deal ended, show up to his workplace and manipulate people to further inject himself into Dan’s life (who wants nothing to do with him), and even move in next to him. Jaekyung is sociopathic and does things purely if it benefits himself, NOT because he gives a fuck about Dan lmao. And Dan is literally developing - by definition - Stockholm Syndrome from the abuse which just goes to show even more. And no you didn’t say say Jaekyung is an abuser, but you’re trivializing his abusive behaviour by calling it mild, refusing to acknowledge it and even defending it. It’s okay to admit that he’s abusive lmfao, I don’t know why you guys would rather jump through hoops. But we can still hope the author makes a decent ending like they did with BJ alex.

    ktdkzone January 29, 2025 5:31 pm
    I understand the distinction between fiction and real life, but I still have morals, like others on here do. I would love to see what you suggested for a possible redemption arc. Though I feel like the author c... guineapigslayer

    I literally agreed that he is an abuser lol? "He needs to first realise that what he did to Dan is horrible and he shouldn't have treated him that way. Rn he doesn't even realise his own feelings him slowly realising that how much he fucked up and then genuinely apologising for what he did and try to amend his past actions would be perfect for his character" I dunno why did you even get that idea when ai literally said this.

    Oh well I don't apply real life morals on fiction and fictional characters lol because it doesn't make any sense as they are not real. I enjoy all type of characters if they interest me. I love when characters are flawed and have a good character development guess that's not everyone's cup of tea.

    Jaekyung is not monster lmao he has feelings and there are many instances you can see that he does. I just feel like you just hate his character to even see anything good in him and that's okay I guess everyone has their opinion.

    I have a totally different picture about his redemption and arc and love that the author is going in the right path also people need to understand that this is a slow burn.

    "Jaekyung stalk and harrass Dan after the deal ended, show up to his workplace and manipulate people to further inject himself into Dan’s life (who wants nothing to do with him), and even move in next to him" you seem to gauge this with real life morals meanwhile it's just a popular trope in BL lol so I just take it that way instead of getting offended over it or sumn....also JINX is a dark romance and I knew what I was getting myself into so I'm not going to complain and whine about its dark concepts cause as I said I knew what I was signing up for.

    guineapigslayer January 29, 2025 6:10 pm

    I read the not abuser part as ‘as abuser’, fault on my end. And you are literally proving my point by saying that it’s a popular trope in BL so its not that bad. You’re so yaoi brained that you’re trying to delude yourself into thinking Jaekyung has feelings or anything redeeming about him when there is literally nothing other than being dedicated to MMA. Currently he has shown none of the feelings you so strongly believe that he has. You can attach real life morals to fiction, while still being aware of the difference. For example I think you’d be disturbed if there was p*dophilic content on here even though its fictional, because you still have morals. Don’t get me wrong I also like a toxic romance and I always try to see the good in shitty tops. I’ve read obey me, sadistic beauty, killing stalking, among other popular toxic reads and I enjoyed those. But there is no chemistry in this and Jaekyung isn’t toxic out of love for Dan, he’s toxic out of concern for himself. He’s flavorless, boring, and just a piece of shit. Saying that he’s not a monster respectfully makes you look extremely deluded. Like even now I am STILL trying to see the good in Jaekyung even after everything but currently he has done nothing. The attempted suicide scene by Dan had me so hopeful to see even a glimpse of something into his character to make me believe he wasnt just an abusive pos, but alas again, disappointed. I am still hoping for a possible redemption even though I still believe he’s past that point.

    Domosama January 29, 2025 6:18 pm
    I literally agreed that he is an abuser lol? "He needs to first realise that what he did to Dan is horrible and he shouldn't have treated him that way. Rn he doesn't even realise his own feelings him slowly rea... ktdkzone

    Did Dan feared Jk's presence? Jk is following Dan to hire him again as his pt. He's trying convincing him to comeback to him. Jk has reasons to do so. Dan is a good employee and is sincere to his work. Jk misses that ( see the last chapter when his working out at his living room,the room feels empty without Dan's presence ). Jk can no longer ignore the fact that he's into Dan. He used the term ' confusing feelings' to deny what he really feels. Jk needs to organize his feelings for Dan and it needs time for that. He's developing special feelings for him and the process is slow.
    Jk seemed selfish because of his statement in the last chapter ( 61 ) but like I always said,Jk is not a perfect character. He has his flaws like any person. He's egoistic,but we still don't know the reason why? Maybe because he's living alone,popular, successful,rich..but we still don't know the root cause of his bad side. Jk said that he just needs to see Dan to name that feeling that is creeping under his skin,but coincidentally,on his way to where Dan is,he saw him on the beach. Dan, because of exhaustion did not notice that he's on the way to drown himself. Jk witnessed that. It was his second time to witness Dan drowning,so instinctively,he cannot leave him alone.
    Jk went straight to the head doctor to request Dan as his pt,well he really was injured,so his action is valid. He paid granny a visit because Jk is granny's benefactor and granny is somewhat special to Jk. You can see how Dan appreciated that gesture from Jk. Dan asked Jk if he was there for him? Jk did not answer but hired him as his pt instead,so ofc,Dan will act hard to get but he did not feared Jk there. If we go back to the chapter 59(?) when he reunited with Heesung and potato,Dan said that he was happy to see them again but he thinks of Jk. He misses Jk that's why he said that he was at ease but his heart felt empty.
    Like you said,Jk only needs to fix his personality. Yes, he's a fixable person. All he needs to do is to put his ego down and ask Dan for forgiveness. And,we are getting there. Like I said,it will take time. I like all your comments

    Domosama January 29, 2025 6:22 pm
    Did Dan feared Jk's presence? Jk is following Dan to hire him again as his pt. He's trying convincing him to comeback to him. Jk has reasons to do so. Dan is a good employee and is sincere to his work. Jk misse... Domosama

    He's working

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 6:42 pm
    Did Dan feared Jk's presence? Jk is following Dan to hire him again as his pt. He's trying convincing him to comeback to him. Jk has reasons to do so. Dan is a good employee and is sincere to his work. Jk misse... Domosama

    can't deny how rational and accurate your comment is

    Domosama January 29, 2025 6:51 pm
    can't deny how rational and accurate your comment is That'sweird

    Thank you Angel

    Randomreader-.- January 29, 2025 7:53 pm
    Jaekyung isn’t staying around Kim Dan so that Kim Dan doesn’t kill himself out of the love of his heart, lmao. He doesn’t give a fuck about people unless they benefit him, which Dan does. You’re despera... guineapigslayer

    I didnt mean to make it out to be romantic, that Jaekyung is around Dan rn is for his own benefit (ofc he doesnt want him to die when he still wants something from him?). But wasn’t Dan also with Jaekyung for his own benefit at the time? Like I said Jaekyung is a jerk, everyone knows that but with a good redemption arc it isn’t like he has done things that are unforgivable. Being able to forgive Taeju while he literally raped him multiple times as to Jae and Kim who had a deal (even if Kim did it for his own reasons/money), so it was consensual. Was he good to him? No, but he didnt do it without consent atleast unlike Taeju who you found ‘redeemable’

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 9:00 pm
    I didnt mean to make it out to be romantic, that Jaekyung is around Dan rn is for his own benefit (ofc he doesnt want him to die when he still wants something from him?). But wasn’t Dan also with Jaekyung for... Randomreader-.-


    ktdkzone January 29, 2025 9:27 pm
    I read the not abuser part as ‘as abuser’, fault on my end. And you are literally proving my point by saying that it’s a popular trope in BL so its not that bad. You’re so yaoi brained that you’re try... guineapigslayer

    I'm not delusional enough to think Jaekyung loves Dan? Why are you even putting words in my mouth from that time lol However I can see he does have something extra for Dan. We will now see him slowly falling in love with Dan which is the point of this redemption arc.

    "But there is no chemistry in this and Jaekyung isn’t toxic out of love for Dan, he’s toxic out of concern for himself. He’s flavorless, boring, and just a piece of shit." Interesting. Ngl it seems like you hate everything about Jinx as a whole especially jjk so I'm suprised why you still reading it? Cause I wouldn't waste my time if this how I feel about the main character.

    "Saying that he’s not a monster respectfully makes you look extremely deluded" not really? Lol cause unlike you I neither love him nor hate him as a character so I can see where you can't.

    " The attempted suicide scene by Dan had me so hopeful to see even a glimpse of something into his character to make me believe he wasnt just an abusive pos, but alas again, disappointed. I am still hoping for a possible redemption even though I still believe he’s past that point." .........I'm once again baffled if you have already decided that nothing gonna change, if you have already decided that you gonna hate the shit out of jjk no matter what, if you have already assumed that Mingwa can't write then what's the point of reading this manhwa? I guess hate reading is a new thing these days?

    Domosama January 29, 2025 9:58 pm
    I didnt mean to make it out to be romantic, that Jaekyung is around Dan rn is for his own benefit (ofc he doesnt want him to die when he still wants something from him?). But wasn’t Dan also with Jaekyung for... Randomreader-.-

    Taeju wasn't in love with Euihyun at first,too. Euihyun was desperate that's why he went to the ocean with his lil bro to end their lives,but Taeju caught them. And,what happened next???
    Dan was desperate went to Jk's house and made an agreement with Jjk for 15000 grands. After the loan sharks almost gang raped Dan,Dan has no house to return to,lived with Jjk. Jjk offered his house unlike Taeju who let Euihyun live in that small apartment and only went there to fuck Euihyun. Jjk paid all Dan's debts,and granny's hospital bill and meds. There's no drugging in Jinx too unlike in Waterside Night,jjk is not involve in any activities related to that.

    Domosama January 29, 2025 10:04 pm
    I'm not delusional enough to think Jaekyung loves Dan? Why are you even putting words in my mouth from that time lol However I can see he does have something extra for Dan. We will now see him slowly falling in... ktdkzone

    For clarification: Dan did not commit suicide. In chapter 60,he did not know that he went that far. He was emotionally and physically exhausted and became half asleep. He wanted to see grandma in the hospital but went to the ocean instead . When Jk scolded him,he was confused. He is not suicidal because of Jjk. Anyways,I like this comment again.

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 10:30 pm

    @Domosama and @Domosama can y'all just gimme a minute to take my breath?? your words are so amazing to the point that i reread them again

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 10:33 pm
    Taeju wasn't in love with Euihyun at first,too. Euihyun was desperate that's why he went to the ocean with his lil bro to end their lives,but Taeju caught them. And,what happened next??? Dan was desperate went ... Domosama

    lmao ppl keep ignoring all the good things that JK has done for kim dan's sake, so pathetic!!

    That'sweird January 29, 2025 10:42 pm
    @Domosama and @Domosama can y'all just gimme a minute to take my breath?? your words are so amazing to the point that i reread them again That'sweird

    *@ktdkzone and @Domosama

    Domosama January 29, 2025 11:09 pm
    @Domosama and @Domosama can y'all just gimme a minute to take my breath?? your words are so amazing to the point that i reread them again That'sweird


    Akaito January 31, 2025 11:19 pm
    I read the not abuser part as ‘as abuser’, fault on my end. And you are literally proving my point by saying that it’s a popular trope in BL so its not that bad. You’re so yaoi brained that you’re try... guineapigslayer

    Just wanted to join the thread to a) get notifs if the discussion continues, b) respond to some interesting points myself eventually, and c) just say thank you for articulating so well some of the things I’ve experienced while reading Jinx and while participating in these discussions with people about it.

    Like how it feels like there seems to be a huge split in the perception of the severity of Jaekyung’s actions based on whether people are approaching this story as its own standalone thing or as just one of many BLs/“dark romances” that includes dark/taboo characters and themes but, frankly, does nothing really worthwhile with them.

    Or how just because a character is fictional doesn’t mean you can’t judge and evaluate the morality of their actions (part of reading and enjoying any story is doing just that, learning about and understanding why a character behaves the way they do AND ALSO whether they were right or wrong to behave in that way, based off a variety of factors).

    Or yeah…reading other stories with toxic tops and enjoying them and their character and their dynamic with their bottoms much more than in Jinx…trying to see the so-called “good” in Jaekyung (beyond the bare minimum good a human is owed another human and what he does for his own personal convenience)…being disappointed over and over again by moments that feel like they could show us a different side not only to Jaekyung but to Dan as well…

    guineapigslayer February 1, 2025 11:28 am
    Just wanted to join the thread to a) get notifs if the discussion continues, b) respond to some interesting points myself eventually, and c) just say thank you for articulating so well some of the things I’ve... Akaito

    Exactly, thankyou. The last sentence especially is ON POINT. I can tolerate so much BS and abuse in toxic Bl's, but there's an extent to where I think it can't be forgiven or forgotten at least. And yeah, super disappointed over and over when the author had an opportunity to show a different side to Jaekyung and Dan. I'm super drunk right now so I don't want to get any further but you get it completely. Thankyou.

guineapigslayer January 19, 2025 5:38 am

I love this so much. The two MC's are very likeable lol

guineapigslayer January 13, 2025 11:15 am

I feel like there is nothing the author could make Jaekyung do to redeem himself. Jaekyung's immaturity, flavorless personality and constant unrealistic tantrums are driving me up the wall. And Kim Dan is such a fucking pushover with a lacking personality too. I hope we see Jaekyung's 'redemption' soon. Atleast the art style is pretty

guineapigslayer November 8, 2023 3:01 pm

for people who are into exhibitionism and voyeurism this is like perfect. The art and characters are SO cute.

guineapigslayer October 31, 2023 1:03 pm

he better have a fucking horrendous backstory to be acting like this this is literally the worst shit ive ever read but the art is so gorgeous and i loved BJ Alex. all I can think of is the author laughing while making Jaekyung do the most pos things they can think of. Anyway, they obvious want us to absolutely fucking hate him, so I just hope the switch around is extremely good

guineapigslayer October 30, 2023 4:12 am


guineapigslayer October 28, 2023 4:39 pm

jaekyung is literally such a sweetheart

    Aoi October 28, 2023 4:56 pm

    I agree... Such a sweetheart that deserves seme of the year award, such kindness & honey dripped words rolling out from those lips, such lovely expressions on his magnificent horse like face.

    shu October 28, 2023 5:31 pm

    So much so that he pisses honey, shits honey ,drool honey.
    And call Dan honey.

    Tsunmimi October 28, 2023 8:57 pm

    Awnnnn IKR, he’s a damn whole forest

    guineapigslayer October 29, 2023 2:03 am
    I agree... Such a sweetheart that deserves seme of the year award, such kindness & honey dripped words rolling out from those lips, such lovely expressions on his magnificent horse like face. Aoi

    ‘horse like face’?? LMFAOO i’ve never heard that one before. also so many people are disliking my comment i thought it was obv a joke

    shu October 29, 2023 4:59 am
    ‘horse like face’?? LMFAOO i’ve never heard that one before. also so many people are disliking my comment i thought it was obv a joke guineapigslayer

    Jaekyung's horse face is quite famous even it's a meme too lmao. If you're on insta you'll find it laying here and there.
    Also about your comment it was definitely a joke but ambiguous in it's meaning too.
    People with no Humour bone can't take this indirect approach.
    So don't worry

    Tsunmimi October 29, 2023 10:10 am
    ‘horse like face’?? LMFAOO i’ve never heard that one before. also so many people are disliking my comment i thought it was obv a joke guineapigslayer

    That’s cause people on here don’t understand sarcasm and are too quick to act a fool, babes don’t mind them. Smh

guineapigslayer October 28, 2023 2:57 am

i dont know how people hate taeju, i get there's some things he could have communicated better or been more mature about, but hes not THAT bad. After everything i'd heard when I first read this I was expecting to hate him right off the bat. I also hope they have a kid together when they're both stable omg

    Tammicita October 28, 2023 3:02 am

    When I started reading this story, I tried to defend Taeju. You wouldn't believe the hate I got. People were saying I condoned rape and when I pointed out that he actually saved both of the brothers lives and that at least the uke would have a roof over his head and not have to work in a brothel, people said they would rather die than be forced to have sex with a rapist like Taeju.

    synfull October 28, 2023 3:16 am

    He's a rapist, selfish, narcistic, and is a crybaby when he doesn't get his way. Possession isn't love. If 'he truly cared and loved him, this would've ended a long time ago. The entirety of season one is Taeju grooming him into being a prostitute,making Euhyun deped on him, and pressuring and raping him on so many occasions. Its not like this is a secret, read his inner (and external) monolouge

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 3:16 am
    When I started reading this story, I tried to defend Taeju. You wouldn't believe the hate I got. People were saying I condoned rape and when I pointed out that he actually saved both of the brothers lives and t... Tammicita

    haha, its why I have stopped trying to defend characters like Taeju publicly... and why I am trying to stay away from the comment sections of stories. It gets to a point where all the hate you get just drags you down... so many commenters on here have such a black and white view, they refuse to see more than that....

    ♥ SleepyBae ♥ October 28, 2023 3:18 am

    Welp.. no can do . I also hate the past taejo!

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 3:20 am
    He's a rapist, selfish, narcistic, and is a crybaby when he doesn't get his way. Possession isn't love. If 'he truly cared and loved him, this would've ended a long time ago. The entirety of season one is Taeju... synfull

    ah, awesome... found one of you... (please note, you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again...) mate, if you dont like it, why the hell are you reading this story?

    Drug store October 28, 2023 3:25 am
    ah, awesome... found one of you... (please note, you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again...) mate, if you dont like it, why the hell are you reading this story? lori3304

    Bro this isn't debatable HE LITERALLY RAPED HIM lol

    Dorko October 28, 2023 3:28 am
    He's a rapist, selfish, narcistic, and is a crybaby when he doesn't get his way. Possession isn't love. If 'he truly cared and loved him, this would've ended a long time ago. The entirety of season one is Taeju... synfull

    U suck

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:08 am
    Bro this isn't debatable HE LITERALLY RAPED HIM lol Drug store

    everyday on mangago, I lose more and more braincells

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:10 am
    haha, its why I have stopped trying to defend characters like Taeju publicly... and why I am trying to stay away from the comment sections of stories. It gets to a point where all the hate you get just drags yo... lori3304

    rape isn't complex. no consent = rape. If you genuinely believe that chapter 2 wasn't rape, seek a therapist or open a dictionary.

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:11 am
    U suck Dorko

    boohoo, suck my dick then jump off a bridge, how about that?

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:11 am
    Welp.. no can do . I also hate the past taejo! ♥ SleepyBae ♥

    he's the same...

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:17 am
    ah, awesome... found one of you... (please note, you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again...) mate, if you dont like it, why the hell are you reading this story? lori3304

    Found a sane person with common sense? Thats like asking Harry Potter fans why they like the sereis even though Voldemort is evil. Be serious. I can like a story without being a rape apologist and delusional. Grab a dictionary.

    Drug store October 28, 2023 4:26 am
    Found a sane person with common sense? Thats like asking Harry Potter fans why they like the sereis even though Voldemort is evil. Be serious. I can like a story without being a rape apologist and delusional. G... synfull

    When tf did I say you can't like the story bruv? You are saying the ml isn't a rapist but he is and its okay for people to not like him for it and its okay for people to point out the fuck out damn

    Drug store October 28, 2023 4:28 am
    everyday on mangago, I lose more and more braincells synfull

    Bro it was rape, Mc did not consent to have sex with him when they met, Mc did not consent when ml was in heat and the story straight up tells you that ml messed up, because it was not okay to do and the ml literally apologizes to Mc for doing that lol

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:29 am
    When tf did I say you can't like the story bruv? You are saying the ml isn't a rapist but he is and its okay for people to not like him for it and its okay for people to point out the fuck out damn Drug store

    I was talking to lori334.

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:30 am
    Bro it was rape, Mc did not consent to have sex with him when they met, Mc did not consent when ml was in heat and the story straight up tells you that ml messed up, because it was not okay to do and the ml lit... Drug store

    I think you've
    a.) confused me with someone else
    b.) didn't read any of my comments

    Drug store October 28, 2023 4:33 am
    I was talking to lori334. synfull

    Bruh sorry

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:33 am
    ah, awesome... found one of you... (please note, you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again...) mate, if you dont like it, why the hell are you reading this story? lori3304

    forgot to say, you could stfu and not read comments.

    synfull October 28, 2023 4:35 am
    Bruh sorry Drug store

    All good, man. We can't be fighting tho, we're on the same side

    Sutekina♡Sutā☆ October 28, 2023 5:03 am

    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are normally treated worse, we've seen it in every story's about having to pay a debt, teaju gave him the choice to either only fuck with him or be turned into a prostitute and be passed around by some disgusting old man like we've seen in that one chapter.Teaju provided for him a house, put the little brother in school make sure the little one would have a normal childhood and not be separated with his brother, he paid for everything they needed not to forget he also saved their lives.Had uke stumbled on anyone else his life wouldn't have been so lucky same thing for his brother because they would both pay for what their father did. Teaju gave him the easiest solution, people like him are not just going to be kind out of nowhere and forgive you about the debt, In teaju's environment that's how things are done. Teaju's behavior towards uke gradually bacame better he realized his mistakes and is willing to redeem himself for what he did. No one says what he did was right but people need to understand that this is yaoi and the bar is in hell, Irl no one would want someone like teaju in their life this is fiction and I'm seriously not mad about teaju I love his character and he's really funny

    guineapigslayer October 28, 2023 5:10 am
    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are ... Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    I completely agree with you! you worded this better than i could have, i was struggling to reply to the other commentors flooding the reply section. i also love his character and i was laughing through most chapters. and there's definitely heaps of development with his character which i love.

    Reaper October 28, 2023 5:11 am
    ah, awesome... found one of you... (please note, you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again...) mate, if you dont like it, why the hell are you reading this story? lori3304

    Be honest are you the reason the clown emoji was made. Cause you dick riding HARD with yo nonsense rn lmfao

    Tammicita October 28, 2023 5:13 am
    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are ... Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    Yes, exactly, to all of it!

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 5:16 am
    Be honest are you the reason the clown emoji was made. Cause you dick riding HARD with yo nonsense rn lmfao Reaper

    dunno... I could be... *shrug* in saying that, I am not all that interested in 'dick riding'... or whatever other riding there is out there... if you are trying to insult me, which just occurred to me, you are going to have to try a lot harder than that...

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 5:17 am
    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are ... Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    I like you :) you were able to explain it very well

    Tammicita October 28, 2023 5:18 am
    forgot to say, you could stfu and not read comments. synfull

    Says the person who can't stop reading a "toxic" story. People like you are nothing but hypocrites. You bitch and moan about toxic characters and stories, but yet you keep reading them. You clearly like toxic as much as the rest of us, but you feel like you have to complain about it so you don't have to feel guilty about liking it. If you truly hate it, stop reading it and leaving judgemental comments. It's that easy.

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 5:20 am
    Says the person who can't stop reading a "toxic" story. People like you are nothing but hypocrites. You bitch and moan about toxic characters and stories, but yet you keep reading them. You clearly like toxic a... Tammicita

    *standing ovation* wooohoooo!!!! thank you for saying it! I think I might start using this, if you dont mind...

    Tammicita October 28, 2023 5:38 am
    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are ... Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    Yes, exactly, to all of it! If people can't handle reality, they should go read fluffy stories about peace and love and a fake utopia where society doesn't have an underbelly and a dark side.

    synfull October 28, 2023 5:44 am
    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are ... Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    my jaw dropped to the floor reading this. Everything he does for Euihyun is for his own selfish reasons. he literally said, "I know you're suffering but you need to stay with me forever" He admits over and over again that he did all that shit to keep him in his possesion. the bar is wherver you want to put it.

    synfull October 28, 2023 6:09 am
    Says the person who can't stop reading a "toxic" story. People like you are nothing but hypocrites. You bitch and moan about toxic characters and stories, but yet you keep reading them. You clearly like toxic a... Tammicita

    1.) I was replying to "you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again"
    2.) i said Taeju is an abusive rapist. Never targeted the story or writing. I enjoy the story because its interesting. Not because I'm a sick fuck who fetishizes rape, like some of you.
    3.) "yOu lIkE tOxiC lIkE tHe ReSt oF uS" is such a cringy thing to say. if you genuinely like toxic, go get your ass beat by your partner and come back to me.
    4.) My original comment was verbatim, stating facts. It is rape, Taeju admitted to doing all of this to keep him closer.
    5.) I have zero shame left in my bones, i love blood and I have a severe case of sadism. But, with how you're getting so defensive...maybe you're the one with a guilty conscience? I simply stated he's a rapist and that got your panties in a twist. By definition, thats what he is. Are you that ashamed of being a sicko or just really sensitive? Either way,

    synfull October 28, 2023 6:11 am
    dunno... I could be... *shrug* in saying that, I am not all that interested in 'dick riding'... or whatever other riding there is out there... if you are trying to insult me, which just occurred to me, you are ... lori3304

    just say that hurt your feelings and move on

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 6:15 am
    just say that hurt your feelings and move on synfull

    but... it didnt?

    synfull October 28, 2023 6:24 am
    but... it didnt? lori3304

    If it didn't, you wouldn't try defending your honor.

    lori3304 October 28, 2023 6:36 am
    If it didn't, you wouldn't try defending your honor. synfull

    i am more just confused than anything...

    sH9 October 28, 2023 10:21 am
    boohoo, suck my dick then jump off a bridge, how about that? synfull

    I don't like to read invitations to suicide, regardless of who they are addressed to.

    At least as much or even more than most clash of opinions, that's the stuff that can make me feel like a comment session is toxic.

    (if you read my comments a bit below you'll see I agree with most of the stuff you write, I just have a problem if the agressivity of that comment, and some other from other people)

    sH9 October 28, 2023 10:27 am

    one thing I disagree with: I don't think liking toxic stories makes someone toxic, or sick.
    However, I agree that I see an issue with labelling rapists and controlling people as green flag. And I also think it's okay and even can be positive to write that in the comments, because good ability to identify toxicity can help when confronted to it outside of fictional situations.

    Dorko October 28, 2023 10:33 am
    boohoo, suck my dick then jump off a bridge, how about that? synfull

    (⊙…⊙ ) sorry i guess i started it lol

    Reaper October 28, 2023 1:37 pm
    1.) I was replying to "you are one of the reasons i wish the comment sections on stories would be removed again" 2.) i said Taeju is an abusive rapist. Never targeted the story or writing. I enjoy the story bec... synfull

    You literally hit every mark lmao, these people are not okay mentally to be backing this dude up regardless if its fiction now, you gotta wonder how they act if it were real.

    Reaper October 28, 2023 1:39 pm
    Exactly,In yaoi standards for me teaju is a green flag, I never hated him even after what he did in chap2, he's a gangster and in this case that's how things work, people like uke in this type of situation are ... Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    Calling a rapist a green flag in yaoi standards. He's still a red flag just for being a rapist lmao what is this reasoning

    synfull October 28, 2023 1:46 pm
    (⊙…⊙ ) sorry i guess i started it lol Dorko

    Too far?

    Sutekina♡Sutā☆ October 28, 2023 6:16 pm
    Calling a rapist a green flag in yaoi standards. He's still a red flag just for being a rapist lmao what is this reasoning Reaper

    You act like 99% of yaoi don't have rape in it, they're all rapist that's why I said in yaoi standards. Rape became part of the yaoi plot wether you like it or not

    sH9 October 28, 2023 6:28 pm
    You act like 99% of yaoi don't have rape in it, they're all rapist that's why I said in yaoi standards. Rape became part of the yaoi plot wether you like it or not Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    I don't think so, fortunately much more than 1% of yaoi don't have rape.
    I've personally compiled some of my personal favorites here

    sH9 October 28, 2023 6:33 pm

    then, among the rapey yaoi, you have various shades of red and orange. Rathing than green, which I personally consider as "healthy" (no rape, no psychological abuse, manipulation or other toxic behaviour, and good communication and independence), there can be various shades of red.

    (Personally I'd see current TJ as orange, with possible evolutions towards red, orange or yellow. To reach yellow, there'd need to be little enough possessiveness than EH is fully free to have a relationship with however he wants wether romantic or otherwise and full independence)

    sH9 October 28, 2023 6:34 pm

    *that EH * whoever

    (and yes despite the redness I quite enjoy TJ's character, for a bunch of reasons)

    Sutekina♡Sutā☆ October 28, 2023 6:56 pm
    then, among the rapey yaoi, you have various shades of red and orange. Rathing than green, which I personally consider as "healthy" (no rape, no psychological abuse, manipulation or other toxic behaviour, and g... sH9

    It might not be 99% of it but the majority of yaoi are. If I judged teaju simply as a character than yeah he's definitely a red flag but that's not what I did, compared to many seme out there he's much better he's bad behavior is not based on some traumatic childhood I've already explained everything in my first comment read the line

    Sutekina♡Sutā☆ October 28, 2023 7:00 pm
    then, among the rapey yaoi, you have various shades of red and orange. Rathing than green, which I personally consider as "healthy" (no rape, no psychological abuse, manipulation or other toxic behaviour, and g... sH9

    And this is not about defending teaju saying all he did was right, it's for all those people that think we all should hate teaju that there are reasons why we love him

    synfull October 28, 2023 9:43 pm
    You act like 99% of yaoi don't have rape in it, they're all rapist that's why I said in yaoi standards. Rape became part of the yaoi plot wether you like it or not Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    a TON of yaoi doesn't include rape.

    Reaper October 29, 2023 1:39 am
    You act like 99% of yaoi don't have rape in it, they're all rapist that's why I said in yaoi standards. Rape became part of the yaoi plot wether you like it or not Sutekina♡Sutā☆

    Cause it's not 99%?? There's plenty of yaoi which don't include rape. I mean you might say that because 99% of the yaoi's you read have rape in it. And it must be your type with how you defend it lmao. Don't just go off based on what you read or know solely.

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