Beakko's feed

It was painful to finish the whole 52 chapters.. but i made it. I dont even know why i did that.. it was whack. LoL i dont even wanna start with the supposedly climax of the story where they battle the boss villain.. it was so ridiculously painful to watch HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA everyone just coughed blood it was so painful i dont know what possessed me to finish this.

I was on chap 51-52 and i cant believe i would still be disappointed even further HAHAHAHAHAHA when they said "what if their roles was reversed" it had me expecting a bottom blond but hey, what do you know.. they "reversed" something alright.. just 3 things, but they did.. the job hierarchy, the hair style and the damn earrings.. like really? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA i wanna say a lot.. but i dont even have the will to do it anymore.

Anyway, goodnight~

Relying on reels to get new stuffs to read is really more on miss than hit. I'm tireeeeeeeed