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Beakko created a topic of The Undefeatable Swordsman

I just wish the mummified person is the grandfather. I miss his gooffiness and I also miss the father.. on the first few chapters the father was really stealing the "protagonist" role haha but I guess they also realized it so they completely made him missing for how many chapters now?! Also, can you even imagine my roller coaster of emotions since that thomb acr where everybody just got stabbed and died? for once I thought the MC will regress and go back to the past, but it was already more than a hundred chapters so it cant be right? And voila! They survived but the grandpa and the spear guy died, fvck! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) now they all had this misunderstandings and scheming and i almost lost all my hair on frustration! I'm finally glad things seem to be turning out well for them now that the betrayal has been exposed. For people hating the harem here.. the story captured the real sense of historical times here where bandits pillage and men rape and people kill and there's a lot of lawlessness happening everywhere.. this really happened in past guuuuyyyssss and concubinage is legal in this timeline and countryyyyy. For a man of the MC's status and for a man with wealth and power like that, this was bound to happen, the context of having wives and concubines has been introduced early on and the setting is ancient china, so dont be so mad about it. My head was spinnig with all that training regimen and skills and swordmanship talk and whatever magic crap, that this bits and pieces of factual historical add ons were actually refreshing. Sure having the sudden romantic abience and people blushing out of nowhere dampens all these action we want, but its no where near frustrating than the grandfather dying okayyyy?! The harem and the romance does not do this harm at all. I'm actually impressed that the women he has decided to keep are actually helping him one way or another, politically or battle wise, at least they dont drag their weight around (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜