This is so realistic.. it made me think about my past relationships.. i had someone who cheated his girlfriend because they were having an LDR relationship and the girl looked like me a lot, we could be sisters.. i ended it when i found out tho. I felt really bad for the girl he was dating for so long. The guy was a total jerk because he really had been cheating way back before we met with someone else. Guys nowadays.. makes me feel contented being alone.
Ezekiel is deff a nice guy and everything.. but deym lucas is really my boiii. I always alwaayysss love guys that has dark lord/demon lord vibes yknow. We just add horns on baby lucas here and its complete
I was reading this on a busssss ghaadd i was so conscious of the person at the back when the masturbation part showed up lol hahahaha. Anywayyysss i love 'em
This is so realistic.. it made me think about my past relationships.. i had someone who cheated his girlfriend because they were having an LDR relationship and the girl looked like me a lot, we could be sisters.. i ended it when i found out tho. I felt really bad for the girl he was dating for so long. The guy was a total jerk because he really had been cheating way back before we met with someone else. Guys nowadays.. makes me feel contented being alone.