Is it possible that the "husband" and the "young master" souls plus that friend got mixed up together.. so seme is basically, master,husband and friend mixture.. thats y this seme seems wacko?
Coz there seems to be something wrong w the guy. Like, the husband seems very psychotic and possesive and abusive.. the young master is kind.. the friend is similar to the young master but is also a jolly fella.. if all those personality comes together.. this current wacko's personality makes sense. He's like all over the place
I think all 3 of those persona got mixed up really well that the current wacko dont feel like he's a 3 but a 1 person. He's creepy at times, like the husband.. then kind and cutesy next like the master and the friend.. i dunno.. just thinking.
I think he is just the young master but whatever happened in their past lives fucked him up massively. I assume mc killed his abusive husband which gave him karma making him reincarnate with such awful luck. Ml might have either chosen to share in his karma to be with him forever or did something even more fucked up to ensure he could be reborn with mc.
I think the friend's personality from before he got hit by a car was his real personality in the way the young master probably was until his love died. The trauma makes him kinda insane and possessive since he cant risk losing mc again. He probably also forgot his memories due to his past life being too much for him to handle in terms of too many memories
Idk tho, just theorizing. The 3 souls in one body would be interesting but also I would hate it cuz the husband is a pos lol. Unless we get like split personality shit where they have to exorcise his soul
The zombies were rocking their fashion bro. Complete set.. shirt, shorts, shoes, accesories.
Homie was wearing the breath of life.
I already know u got bigger boobs and plumper ass man. No need to show em off 99% of the whole book.
Sources say.. he's still buck naked in the next couple more chapters HAHAAHAHAHAH
Fr i'd be paying to be a zombie here. They dont even kill them zombies no more. The only ones dying so far where humans.
See how u get to see em fvcking in the front row.. and u still get to wear fashion
U also wont make it awkward when u stare at them naked.. coz duh, btch im a zombie. Watchu gonna do? Ror? Hahahahaha
If only this motherfvcker is ugly.. none of us would question our sanity by thinking that last panel was hot and cute at the same time.
Srsly. If this guy looked like some rotting feet.. we'd be cursing to the last damn thing.
Every damn top with questionable "love language" just had to look so fvcking fine..
and sorry, but it reminds me of them bible things like, devils fell on earth and came to look like everything men desire..
while angels are described as big eyes, tringle head with many hands, head and feet. Like, heaven, wtf? Do better advertising yo HAHAHAHAHA
Imagine being so poor u cant even afford a bus ride. Fvck. U gotta live a good life Yeomin.
I love my fuvking bus rides, and i die inside when i cant afford them. You go Yeomin use that black card for bus ride premium