"Are you scared that I'll treat you the way I did before?" He had the audacity to say after he, just moments before forcefully stopped jooin from leaving, forced himself on jooin to kiss him, chose to ignore and not respect jooin's no and then tried to use his sob story to emotionally manipulate jooin into feeling bad for him so he can get his way. TF dude?!
After all this time living in the beast world you'd think that Bai would have learned to listen and respect the ways of the animals in it and trust her mates better. Curtis told her from the start what would happen, lil snake kidnapped her and involved others to fight his battle to kill Curtis, and now she wants to act and command Curtis with authority after she called him to save her from the mess she made and was warned about? Lol the audacity.
Really? That nonsense was the best conflict/wedge driver that could have happened? What a silly thing to get mad about, especially after being so manipulative to get your way sexually. And let's not forget they're in a non defined casual relationship and Blondie was hella in the wrong to go through his personal laptop without permission in the first place. It makes zero sense to me.
I think its moreso because he is a celebrity so be may be used to getting used in those kinds of relationships. He probably thought he was going to post it to expose him or something.
Totally agree!! So damn stupid. Uke is just doormat getting manipulated.