Alethalan's experience ( All 0 )

Alethalan's answer ( All 2 )

about question
I think your stressed and can't make your regular progress. Everything is familiar and what you have always done will not garner the results,urges, or satisfaction as it has. This may mean in coming Depression or a stagnation of job or work. Basically don't pound your head against the wall if the latter and if Depression (less likely) and say u use......   1 reply
31 05,2024
Im a bi woman. The answer for many of these questions is the fetishization of the power dynamic and forbidden love. Many lesbians will watch or read gay porn for that intensity as straight feels forced or boring and lesbian porn is often soooooo fake. It's this tone of intensity that leads to more range. It's more believable to some that a guy can......   reply
03 02,2020

Alethalan's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

“ i felt a hole in my soul this evening, i thought it wuld b different after i left treatment, i stood up to a demon, momma u shlda seen it”

7 hours
want to do watch anime

How to watch

13 hours
did discuss a movie

About Monsters, the Netflix series. We talked about it for hours and other cases. The survivors deserve to be free. FUCK THE ABUSERS. DIE.

16 hours