I can't stop grinning while reading every page of this chapter. Everything in here just make you happy.
From the statues of Strawhat Pirates and the Corrida warriors(esp that of Usopp), to Rob Lucci(oh my gosh! oh my gosh!~~please tell me they're still enemies with the marines!), the kid with Kuma's face in his shirt, and the Barto Pirates and their ship!
Plus the bounties of them ppl, esp Zoro! His 320,000,000 bounty still don't do him justice now. I mean, he cut a mountain, he literally cut a mountain in half. If that doesn't raise his bounty, nothing will. hahaha.
and SANJI. HIS FACE. FINALLY! it would be great if Oda does another update on the Baratie. Same with Usopp, now the whole world knows him. Even if his face was smashed. hahahaha. hopefully, next week we'll know what kind of pervertedness led Sanji to stumble into a secret that the govt needs him alive.

The idea of Sanji knowing a secret so important that the World Gouvernment needs him alive is the most realistic assumption I've read until now. :)

I saw some theories about him being a tenryuubito which would be amazing, i'm sure but with Sanji's personality when he was a kid, I don't think he would be a tenryuubito...unless the shipwreck damaged his mind a bit. hahaha. but it would be awesome if he was, because that would make the strawhats more badass than they already are.
plus i think it's in Sanji's personality to discover well-kept secrets especially if he was inlove or following blindly(as always) another pretty girl. which they met during the chapter last, they have met another girl.
well, i think everyone's excited with whatever Oda's gonna give us. he had never ever failed us yet, although he makes us cry like like little babies every now and then.

Yes, that theory is really interesting.
I just love Sanji, so any story that shows how cool he is, I would love it.
I also don't mind what Oda does, since he always surprises me and his storylines are amazing.
And all One Piece fans have cried with his tragic childhood or losing-a-brother/mother stories...But I think Oda makes us laugh even more :)

Yes, I think so too. I think that whatever Oda dishes out in front of us, we can accept it all wholeheartedly with little to no complains.
He's so amazing thinking plot twists and keeping characters and building them from like a hundred or so episodes back.
So I'll be happy to wait for Thursday(in my country) for the update and then be irritated a bit coz once again, I'm left hanging by Oga's manipulation and the only cure to fill the void he left would be the update the week after....so good going, Oda! :D

i've been following this manga for almost three years now. i know updates are scarce but i check it atleast twice a month. if there's an update, i have enough energy for another month and if not, i end up imagining what will happen next. which is really bad because sensei knows how to crush our little dreams to nothing in just a single page.
not only once did it occur to me to try and drop this manga but it's just too damn awesome. i can't even skip a month or two weeks without a glimpse of it and just trying to reread it again and again.
until now, i actually cry at yashiro's misfortune. especially when he realized he was all alone during their high school years. and i've read it like a thousand times now. grrrrr
enough of my ranting. updates plssss

Well the update are quite fast considering the fact that the release in japan are bimonthly so the next chap is 30th of september... for me its torture to wait, I absolutely love this story, it always give me a feel trip and I cant go back
when I reread it, I cry all the time at Yashiro misfortune and what he said... ughhh so so sad!!!
I always imagine what gonna happen too... There is one thing that I want is that Doumeki get hurt (a little) while protecting Yashiro and Yashiro cries seeing Doumeki injured... I would love that lol but tbh I have no idea where this all thing is heading!

chapter 4 for extra game is now available. chapter 5 release date is still to be announce.... hopefully we won't be waiting for another half year for that to come. so i was thinking maybe you'd like this, an early gift of sorts. enjoy <3
the way the naruse brothers raised fuuta was so wrong that it left me laughing. for a complete manga, this out-of-nowhere updates always leave me cracking hhahahahaahahhaa