Women who don't want to be mothers should not have to become one. They should be given the right to choose whether they become a mother or not.
Women have that choice,momo's mother had that choice as well, she could have given him up for adoption. Unfortunately it's the children who don't have enough protection and suffer their parents mistakes. It seems like the most vulnerable ones truly have no support, actually even today child abuse isn't widely condemned especially when it comes to the mother.
No one is a slut. “Slut” is a made-up word to keep women from having as much fun as men. A person who enjoys sex is just a person and a person who is a virgin is also just a person. Slut shaming is what the uneducated and children do, so please stop. Its annoying.
Also, food for thought: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3bQLq9QGA4
they call her a slut. because she's easy and always gives in. she my friend is a slut. pretty much almost gets raped by one guy. leaves that studio runs into him again. then pretty much gets raped by her ex then he pretty much rapes her. then she sucks him off. that my friend is def of a slut.
Ryt Very true
He s not an idiot ,, u r an idiot ,, brain washed by some retard girls video ,, stupid ,, I think u r also a slut that's why u can't digest this word lol
She is not brain washed by some "retard girls video", she got a point, and obvious her argument is about something way beyond the definition of what is a slut. If you actually scroll down, you will se a bunch of people saying that the girl is a slut for "being easy", but you won't see the same amount of comments saying that the guy is a jerk, even if he cheated on his gf or for using the other girl as a replacement. Why do people expect women to be "the perfect wife" while the guy can fuck whoever he wants? Also, why the fuck are you saying that she is an idiot if you don't even fucking know her? Because she isn't taking any sexist bullshit? I'm not sure how old are you or if you just have a closed-mind, but guess what: women can fuck whoever they want just like men, so stop this stupid "slut-shaming" because its fucking 2016.
No. Nuh uh. No way. Noooooooope. @chapter 5