Just binge-read this from start to the newest chapter and omggggg!!! This is so beautiful and complex and tragic?? It got ME wanting to forget just so I could go thru and experience the story for the 1st time again bc it's amazing. The second half hits so hard fr. At this point I just really, really want Inas and Nigel to have a happy ending. If this ends tragically it's gonna kill my heart ahhhhHH

People being real quick to make assumptions about the characters and the story when we know very little about what actually happened in their past. Also the MC is indecisive asf but clearly complex, not some bland helpless pushover that people are making him out to be. Hopefully the backstory explains everything in a satisfying way; I'm just gonna wait to see where it goes before making judgements. So far it's interesting and at least they're pretty lol
OOF ok I'm usually fine reading about toxic tops (Jinx is the only one I've ever dropped bc of this issue specifically) but this one's officially pushing my boundaries. I don't feel super bad for Haeyool for various reasons but the action itself is hella fucked up. Like damn, bro could've just lied & not sent anyone. Didn't have to go that far