Yeah, the mom really pissed me off. Her *minor* son is clearly in an unstable emotional and mental state, but does she get him psychological help to deal with the trauma of being raped? Does she even consider taking legal action against his rapist? Nope! She just lets his vulnerable ass go back to his abuser, because that always ends well. She’s proof that you don’t have to hit your child to be a shitty parent. Seriously, fuck that woman.

I love the fact that the wolf’s solution to the rabbit not coming when he was on the bottom was just “okay, then you be on top!” Usually you’d get someone trying anything to avoid being on the bottom because of pride or fear or whatnot, but he put his partner first and went with the obvious answer. When it worked they both just accepted it without any major drama or change in dynamics, and I found that really refreshing!

Ren was a negligent douchebag to Kaede for most of the story. Then it comes out that he was on meds and it wasn’t his fault and all is forgiven and they now get along! It just felt like a bit of a cop out, and I would’ve liked to see their relationship advance step-by-step. Kaede was awesome at calling Ren out on his shit, and having a little more of that before the happy ending would’ve been much more satisfying to me. (When someone else jacks off your fiancée and they appreciate it because they think it’s you not leaving them to suffer, you have a problem)

So the guy was supposed to know his partner wanted him to take charge...how, exactly??? The friend called it “luring them in” but he was really just playing games with an inexperienced man for his own amusement. It’s stupid and childish and selfish, and an intentional lack of communication that resulted in a desperate, insecure partner unknowingly putting himself in a dangerous situation. I hope he leaves that controlling pustule of a human being and finds someone who treats him as an equal and actually discusses their sex life and asks for his input.
I get the feeling that Ayumu is older than he says, or that demons mature at a faster rate. He says that his dad will be angry at him for not seducing the doctor and corrupting his soul and he’s already learned lust magic, so it must be a pretty normal thing for a demon his age.