I'm looking for this one bl and I don't remember the name. There are two clans, one from the bear clan and one from the lion clan is what I remember. They both adopted or saved this human from another earth that was transported to their world, the human had a speech curse and a life curse on him but they removed it. Thats the start of the story pls help
My first ever manga I have read, this broke me. Isabella may rest in peace, she wanted the children to live long and happy for the sake of her own, truly a magnificent character, I hope she is well with Leslie. Isabella by far was the saddest character of all, she lied to herself, and her suffering didn't do her good, but that was all for the sake of her children. Lucas and Yuugo, they've been lied to, they didn't believe, in the end their deaths were not in vein, without them Emma, Norman, and Ray wouldn't have succeeded, may they have a happy life. And, may Conny, Emma, Norman, Ray, Phil, Don, Gilda, and the other children have a good life in the human world. Sunjoo and Musicia, I hope they're doing okay over on the other side. This manga is by far the best I have read, they had experiences, painful times, happy times, and had a good plot with amazing characters and development, I just wish it would've lasted longer, but this manga wasn't made to die in vein, this manga will forever be in my heart.