Now it's hard too choose between the aunt ,gallahan and grandfather hmmm,,,i could be a new grandmother or i could be new mom or i could be a new uncle ,,who knows
Bomi dad, ain't he the bad chairman
What happen to his brother
He suprised while his hand touch sooho's, because he saw ghost, and he got accident, but he will be fine
Why am i reading this again? And again and again?
It's not like I came here to read again.
Its not like I'm interested in it
Me: ehhBomi: ehhHobin: ehh
Still waiting for the next season ..hmmm
Im glad i decided to read this,,a very heartwarming family story
Why am i the one who's embarrassed when it's not me who wear that,,
can't stop laughing
Ehh,, didn't it end before?
Side story ig?
I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking that. I'm like this is nice and all but where are we going?
It's side stories now
Now it's hard too choose between the aunt ,gallahan and grandfather hmmm,,,i could be a new grandmother or i could be new mom or i could be a new uncle ,,who knows