I can’t get past the first episode because the fucking rabbit with the teeth is so funny I have to click off, literally has me crying
I know he didn’t just call him dirty and uncivilized. You pissed on him shut the hell up.
Why does he beat the shit outta him and piss on him what did he do
Cain saying “dicknity” pissed me off so much. Corny as FUCK!! Genuinely mad after reading that
Every time I read this I start sobbing like a little weak baby bitch. Will reread in a few months
The sister is so fine I need her so bad. I am very high rn
Why the hell did it go from traumatic backstory to SEX
This shit is so ass, only clicked bc her tiddies r HUGE wowza
This is ok, but i feel like the art ate down but choked at the same time, can’t decide if I hate it or love it
Gagamaru carries every single game and every single one of yall know that