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Love January 23, 2025 10:43 pm

Guys, I ended up finding the last chapters of this manhwa and I’m not gonna lie the ending kind of didn’t sit right with me like it did. It’s good but I feel like there was a lot of shit that needed to be finished and clarified especially with Caesar being a crazy bastard and the way lee won just gives into Caesar even though Caesar has done a lot of shit to him like all the grape and shit like I knew they would end up together because I couldn’t see Caesar just letting lee won go but the fact that he just never apologises for all the stuff he does to lee won and just continues to do stuff to him just because he has insecurities and shit is kind of messed up and I always thought that maybe he would have a better person arc but it just never came and he just continued to be trash(fine trash )but trash.

    Love January 23, 2025 10:44 pm

    Also it only goes up to 90 but I think one here maybe 86

Love January 23, 2025 5:53 pm

Hahahahha why does the feet look like that They look like hands

Love's questions ( All 3 )

Love October 12, 2024 2:32 am

Guys I need really good recommendations for bls I feel like I haven’t read a book that’s actually had me wanting more for a long time which made me take like a 1 year on and off (mostly off ) reading so any and all recommendations are welcome (⌒▽⌒) p.s please don’t recommend me anything that will make me cry or depressed bc I’m not ready to be heartbroken (● ̄(エ) ̄●)

    PrettyMenSupremacy October 12, 2024 2:35 am

    "rainbow city" (novel, or manhwa) but the novel IS SO GOOD UGHHHH. MUST READ (⊙…⊙ ) YOU LIKE GOOD BL RIGHT???? READ *gives you rainbow city*

    little mushroom(novel or manhwa)
    into the thrill (novel or manhwa)
    the works of our lord and savior:

    HeathenSister October 12, 2024 4:36 am


    Chickencurrylover October 12, 2024 7:05 am

    Our Not So Lonely Planet Travel Guide
    Dreadful Night- (lots of mystery)
    Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
    Doukyuusei (NAKAMURA Asumiko)
    Order of volumes:
    1 Doukyuusei [Classmates] - Prologue
    2 Sotsugyousei [Graduate] - Sequel
    3 Sora to Hara - Spin-off (Story of Teacher)
    4 Occupation to Beloved - Mixed
    5 Graduation Certificate (just some artwork collection, but quite important)
    6 Blanc- their life together while being apart
    7 Futari Gurashi - Epilogue

    This one is not a manga or anything just a reg bl book but I found it on Amazon and it was so good. It's called " Fifty one days of love"

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