Rierie March 3, 2025 3:30 pm

I would just act oblivious and ask for dating advice/opinions to Jigu so he would catch on he wasn't the romantic interest. But who am i kidding, one is a master at pulling out of nowhere delusions, and the other is not helping with bad decisions leading up to more misunderstanding

Rierie February 21, 2025 11:18 am

There's actually more potential for Taejun, he's got the stable mentally at first impression, whereas Taeoh the exact opposite being erratic and sorta unhinged lol. But when you dig deeper, that wasn't the case, Taejun is the one who's a bundle of nerves and anxiety, while Taeoh the reassured man who knows himself and what he wants. It's interesting that Taeoh gives you the headache and being unpredictable, but also gives the joy and merry in life. Meanwhile with Taejun you can feel stability, order and feel settled in his arms, but also some kind of frustration over his overthinking? Ahahaha if they merge, it'll be perfect.

Rierie February 15, 2025 6:31 am

I can see this... An odd story for those who read without knowing or understanding the depth of human psychology. And i would be that person if i didn't have a friend similar to these socially awkward guys. I know how much they struggles with their emotions, they can't reason with it, they can't even understand why they're feeling what they're feeling. I found them very adorable, frustrating yes, but no less fondness towards them. And i liked how the author portrayed the rich and the poor friendship, i can relate with that, and I'm sorta thankful for that. I used to overthink about it, but nowadays that I'm old enough i can just simply say i can't afford what they're planning for me ahahaha, and then either they change the plan to better accommodate me, or they would pay for me. I got to understand that i want to be with them as much as they want to be with me, so we can compromise each other. I hope these two rich and poor friends can gradually find that good spot

Rierie February 13, 2025 12:49 pm

I have, I MUST comment on this one. Stunning, breathtakingly beautiful.

The words, ah the words, so heavenly. It wasn't written in difficult words, still it was flowing so intricately, tame and soft while raging like storm underneath. There was moments where it's not literately written but to be understood between the lines, subtle and quite realistic. This work is so poetic. I'm in love.

Rierie February 12, 2025 7:13 pm

This is like, falling in love in a bad world in a bad time.

About Taeju, he was born into such a world, surrounded by thugs and grew up as thugs, he didn't know any other way of living. It's like when you see people running in the same direction, you instinctively run too without even knowing what you are running from. His way of living was from the pain of others. Until Euihyun. Taeju was astonished of how perseverant Euihyun was, despite his initial suicide attempt, how strong he was, and how he didn't let anyone push him down. And how wonderful the way he so beautifully loves his little brother, these were what interests Taeju at first aside from how he smelled so good to him.

Taeju started to care more and more, alas his upbringing was in a violent world, a dog eat dog world, a world where blood relation may not matter in the way of greed. And so, he was greedy, he takes in ways he learnt in that world, he manipulates to get what he wants. He done what was in his textbook of living in that world. It took time for him to finally see the error in his ways, it took time to understand what exactly are his mistakes, it took time to fix what was his habit into something new, something he learnt recently. Love, selfless love.

His change was gradual, as it is with real people, change is not easy. People don't really change, but there are some cases they do. And it shows, how sincere he was in his love. And he would gladly drink cyanide for Euihyun not to atone for his sins, but bcs he genuinely think Euihyun is better off without him in his life. That's just crazy. That's real character development there, a full 180.

So really, it doesn't erase his sins, but had he not been born in that world, his character wouldn't be such an ass (because a true ass will stay an ass no matter what trust me). Should i forgive a rapist? Depends, I don't like cancel culture because some people do grow and change. If a rapist irredeemable then they should burn in hell. But I'm talking here from my own experience of years of resentment, and my rapist redeem himself finally over the years, I found myself forgiving him. He didn't only sexually abused me, but mentally and physically for years and years to the point men disgust me (at that time). It was weird, but I did forgave him, he did change, he was remorseful and repented. Ofc I'm only talking about my own case, not every cases like mine, and many are worse much worse with less than garbage type of men. But it's possible, somewhere in this world even murderer might feel so remorseful about their own heinous crimes they can't live with themselves.

I think from this story we too, learn with time and forgiveness. Something about this story resonates with a part of me. And I usually hate non con, it's just awful, but this one... Idk, at the end I like both, I gave them a chance and they did grow and developed, and I'm satisfied.

    Rierie February 12, 2025 7:18 pm

    Idk why I went on a tangent like this. I was hesitating if i should post this at all, I was just sad that people sometimes read at the surface and don't give it a chance to miss the development for a better conclusion.

    But ofc it's people's choice, this story might triggers some of us, then it's perfectly fine to put it down and never read it. What matters is you make yourself happy, don't stress yourself.

Rierie February 3, 2025 5:27 pm

I'm at 60 chap now and I'm guessing that Noren actually an adult lady, a genius scientist in that lab who hold secrets which they've been talking about. But they tried to hide her by turning her into a girl and sealed up her memories? So these scientists discovered something which is potentially very dangerous/powerful hence why they regretted it. So possibly Noren parents not her actual parents but the owner of that pharmacy who's trying so hard to uncover the secrets? I mean it kinda checks out why her "parents" trying to marry her off to old dudes, if she's actually an adult tho it's unsure how marrying her off would reveal the secret hmm

Rierie February 3, 2025 4:06 am

Not surprised at all, this brat seems incapable of learning and self introspection. I told you everything needs to be broken for Dan to the point of offing himself and maybe only then there's possibly of that brainless seme start thinking for once

Rierie February 1, 2025 11:52 am

At chap 17 when pneumothorax patient came in, it's kinda took me off from the story because many if not most pneumothorax patients cannot decipher whether the pain is in their chest or their abdomen and may occasionally shown symptoms of acute abdomen. And at the earlier chap she talked about keton smelling breath and didn't right away think of the possibility of DM? I can say the author didn't really dive down with the help of medical consultant for the story, it feels off sometimes. But oh well, it's good enough, not every medical artwork/entertainment media can do high level of accuracy. This one pretty light and casual at best. There are cathartic moments too

Rierie January 29, 2025 1:43 pm

Everytime Go Gunhee died, my soul dies a little... And I've reread this like, so many times. His death always so, so sad to me idk I just love him he's such a father figure and maybe it was such for Jinwoo too with his dad missing at the time.

Rierie January 28, 2025 7:48 am

The reunion kinda felt that they haven't communicate good enough, like it feels they might go down another rough stormy relationship after that, but glad that worry was put to rest when it's noted that they're having a couple therapy.

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