I don’t know why you guys think she does self-harm. I think maybe the wristband belonged to mincheol when he was an active athlete, but when his dream was broken due to his injury he gave it to her idk
The last chapter up to date is such a masterpiece. The contrast between his restrictive and binding idea of marriage against her showing him how wholesome and fulfilling marriage can be the first time I’ve seen him look so human Satoko is awesome.
Idk why people are trying to push modern standards onto this lmao, not liking is totally valid but talking about rationalizing and whatnot is useless when this happened centuries ago and these people had a different mentality and way of living.
I don’t know why you guys think she does self-harm. I think maybe the wristband belonged to mincheol when he was an active athlete, but when his dream was broken due to his injury he gave it to her idk