"A rock shaped as a bird"? "Tori" doesn't always means "bird" it is also the name of those portals or gates in temples. So the rock is shaped as a temple's gate not a bird. I am not complaining about the translation, it is a really tough job and even voluntary, I am just sharing an interesting discovering that intrigued me while reading until I understood what had happened.
What a spoiled brat! He already has more than most and is still trying to steal what his younger brother earned through merit.
His younger brother is clearly more diligent and seems to be better as a human being generally speaking so why his further achievements would be unfair? Typical victim mentality.
If he doesn't grow at least a little soon I am gonna get pissed reading this and drop half way.
It might be just my paranoia born from reading too much fiction but I can't help thinking that there must be something fishy in that Manato guy. Nobody is that perfect. ( ̄へ ̄)
I too think that Manato isn't talking his mind with the party. And those praises he always tells made it obvious while the group is still so shocked for the new world enviroment that don't think it twice to take for granted his words without see the backside of it. Still i don't see ill intention on Manato either, what i see is he putting a front of positive guy to balance the party's moral while having his own issues.
Naaah, youre wrong. He is way too perfect he has no ill intention. Just a leader of newbees.
Sensei is kinda masochistic. He feels self satisfaction knowing that the other party needs him even if the other party don't even remotely perceives it, it is not even a matter of "recognizing" something he doesn't want to, the idea of sensei having any kind of value to him other than as a sexual reliever never even crossed his mind. Sensei's attachment to him ends up being a little pathetic even if he himself thinks of it as passionate.( ̄∇ ̄")
How long did they say it would take to start season 3?( ̄∇ ̄")
Please? ╥﹏╥
Anyway, I can understand the frustration of those who complained because the series leaves us with a huge cliffhanger. But I will have to disagree when people say that the plot is bad because Shin woo lost his ability to control ki or that there is too much useless stuff in the middle. The "useless stuff" is the history the authors wanted to tell. They wanted to show how hard it was and how long it took for Shin woo to regain his powers and how much he grew in the process, not only physically but mentally too.
I know that since I read it after the end of the season and that I already knew it would be a cliffhanger based on this comments it is a lot easier for me to appreciate how good this manhwa is than to does that followed each new cap. and had their expectations frustrated. So i am not trying to nag just stating my opinion. (●'◡'●)ノ
If I offended someone I am really sorry. m( )m
It's nice that someone picked up this one again but cap. 10 hardly make any sense. ╥﹏╥