Not really my thing. The semes are too manipulative, possessive, and sadistic to my enjoyment. Sorry, but I can't understand the appeal of making and seeing the person you like suffering, crying and beying frustrated. I mean, I think that would make you a son of a bitch piece of shit and not show someone how much you love them. But, to each their own. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Looking at the raws I could understand that the last part of the first chapter (where they are having sex) didn't happen at that time, it is a glimpse of their future relationship. And between the first and secound chapters there is a foward jump of three years.
If anyone is as confused as I was and wants to know.

It is pretty much complete in spanish (maybe missing an extra). To whoever wants to read here is the link. The story is wonderful, mature, deep, and miles away of all the cliches in ABO. Also, it has a happy end so don't worry abot the tragedy tag.

I have read this one in spanish so I am going to put out a warning. The ending is kind of twisted. It is not a bad manga but for people that have a preference for sweet plots even if just at the end when both characters finally understand each other you guys better be prepared. Don't have too high of a expetation. But, as I said before, it is actually a pretty good manga with interesting characters and plot. It just wasn't my cup of tea.

Well, both characters are alpha but as they keep on having sex the top keeps on cumming inside the bottom and biting his neck which starts to change the uke's genre to omega. The uke notices the changes, is almost attacked, feels miserable and afraid, freaks out and goes to see a doctor. The doctor tells him that if his partner stoped doing both things (biting and the sperm) the uke should go back to being a normal alpha. After some events and some talking they agreed to stay in a relationship and the seme agreed to cooperate. Until here, it seemed like a nice manga with charcters that were somewhat assholes but that found happiness at the end. However, at the very end we se them having sex and the seme is still biting the uke, and afterwards, when the uke goes to take a bath, the seme uses a needle to poke a hole in the condon he will use with the uke. So we see that he is trying to to turn the uke into an omega against his will and behind his back. Plus, it doesn't seems to be because he loves to uke and wants to have a bound with him but because he feels superior to make his highschool rival, that was always above him, to turn into a fragile and deppendent uke. Plus, the seme actualy has bounded with a lot of omegas and just dumped them. He is complete trash.

Hm, yeah, you could say he is stupid. Their whole relationship is strange. The feelings and intentions are never clear on both sides, but it looks like the uke is a bit more normal and has more affection for the seme than the seme for the uke. We finish the manga without a clear idea of what is going on in the head of the seme. He has some feelings for the uke but they are so distorted we can't identify what exactly they are.

The link is right above.
But here it goes.

i mean yeah he is kinda stupid but this is victim blaming mentality. it's not his fault that he's manipulated and practically raped (yep, stealthing is rape). his shitty partner is the bad guy here, point blank period. plus sex without love doesn't always lead to bad things, many people maintain a fuckbuddy arrangement for years without complications.
Google translator says the title means "Denseness" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭