All the miscommunications, bad timings, regrets, overcomings, is wayy too real. Honestly, if I were in the Duchess situation, given a second chance, I would do so much worse. For one, I would selfishly prioritise myself, running away and then regret running away then come back and be hated by my family and never have a good relationship with my son and live the same old life over again till I die in 3 years.
I love how even though ; losing her sense of self when she's so young, becoming a teen mom, being deprived of attention, and being so damn depressed, she tries to over come them all now. I have been severely depressed for a while and I know it's hard to break pattern but she's slowly doing it! Cheers to her! Now the Duke needs to be more open with his feelings and tell her more often how much she means to him! She gonna build herself up in no time! Cheers girl!!! I wanna hug her so bad!!! Oh and the Baroness!!!! She is the best!!!
Thanks for reading this far :)

Agreed. After getting a second chance, it's no way an easy decision to face your responsibilities and choose others over yourself especially after experiencing such a miserable life. She admits that she can never take back all those years of neglecting her son, but as the story shows us: better late than never. There's nothing worse than letting the wound fester.
The duchess deserves to be loved and be spoiled... but she knows this is all the more reason to direct that affection to their son, who has done nothing wrong but took the brunt of the stifling marriage. At least, she doesn't want their son to grow up deprived of essential things. I love that she is now taking the initiative to communicate AND to understand the people around her.
I also really want her to have a happier second life with healthier relationships!!!

I gotta say, I was all about everyone simping for the FL till maybe the middle. Then suddenly it's all about her singing? I thought it would be more about her climbing the ladder since she needs those connections in order to prevent her family's death? But now I can't seem to connect the her singing dreams to the power she was given?
I really didn’t want them to end up together. It would have been so refreshing to see them go on there on ways( like they did a few chapters ago) T-T