My dear author how do u draw him like this he's just so........refreshing...
when I saw that teachers face at ...... it grossed me and I wanted to vomit.
Andy is awesome and that f**king teacher should be sent to prison..
How is that stupid bitch a HOLY every single way she is EVIL....fucking bitch and the crown prince is the main ASSHOLE......
Very. Do you not know how many wars have been waged for religion? How many ppl have been killed in the name of religion? How many people were and still are persecuted, ostracized, condemned, murdered because of religion? How religion has been and is still being used to keep people oppressed? The list goes on and on and on.
For instance: the Spanish Inquisition killed, genocided and tortured masses of people because SI said that they didn't follow the right religion and this went on from about 14th C till 1800 somewhere if I remember correctly. They did this in not only Spain but all around the globe. They would torture you till you 'admitted' you were wrong or was a jew/protestant/anything not catholic and then they would lock you up forever or execute. And they would just show up randomly and without any evidence that you were actually anything else than catholic. And nobody expected them ever. Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition.
I have dropped this manga after the end of season 2 and now in one go I have completed reading it.Its 3 am here right now and seriously the shit with his mother's corpse scared the hell out of me (the pictures of her in the wall)......but the ending was apt for this story in my opinion because if they had a happy ending it would be HE has to pay for his crimes right..?