There’s something I’d like to point out that people seem to be forgetting (assuming you’re all current in the story) and that’s the fact that Soo-Won is dying of the same illness as his mother because of his blood.
What’s probably gonna happen is he’ll die and then Yona will claim the throne. They’ll probably have a touching moment too where they accept, forgive and move on leaving no hard feelings and little conflict for the throne

I dont want to have acceptance and forgiveness because he didnt deserve it. He didnt do it for good. He did it for his own revenge and what he claims is his justice. Even if he is a good king, Yona can also be like that... and he can also claim the throne by not killing Il... there is a way but no, he just have to kill Yona's father and as a daughter, you wouldnt forgive that... Forgiveness wouldnt happened but I think they will have a heart to heart talk before Soowon died.

He knew he was dying but I don't think he planned to give yona the throne coz he thought yona was dead until the jae ha arc even tho it wasn't in his plans to kill yona when he killed king il I think yona will still end up dead even if she didn't witness soowoon killing her father coz soowoon's people will think of yona as an eyesore and will kill her sooner or later.

Why is the fl so annoying?! I like the story and I’m a fan of the creator’s other works but my god Garyung is such a freaking pain! They agreed to communicate and all she does is worry and take her issues out on the ml when he’s trying to talk to her! I mean he’s not perfect, but he’s doing better than she is

Is this trash? Yes. But that’s why I like it. The FL obviously is terrible and hopefully her boyfriend will dump her ass and find someone better. In the meantime though, I appreciate how clean cut this trash is. We’re not left questioning if someone’s actually trash or not, they either are or they aren’t. Could that change? Yes but until then we’re gonna appreciate straight forward no nonsense trash
It’s been a few weeks since I learned their names and I still laugh every time I see them