Wow, if my theory is correct, then Persephone’s way of trying to break them up is probably the smartest way any character has gone about this task. She’s essentially blessing them with a curse because neither one of them can break it meaning she believes one of them will for whatever reason which would then force them apart. It’s entirely possible I’m giving her too much credit though and she really does just wanna make sure they’ll stay together

I actually like the fact that param had sex with mr. han only because he knows it wasn’t cool and admits he just wanted to have sex with him. Like it’s not fair to hwi at all but at least this was a realistic mistake that param’s owning up to doing

yall im just happy that param was like i got the dick... oki bye bitch and zoomeedd tf out. and then was like if i didnt want to fuck him, i'd reject him.. I JUST IMAGINED WHAT MR BITCH BOY HAN WOULD LOOK LIKE IF HE HEARD THAT PARAM JUST WANTED THE DICK. like i dont feel bad, mr bitchboy han is a manipulative dickweeb. And im not even mad param fucked him cause he knew what he was doing, and he knows he likes hwi (our babay). like hes an adult and hwi and him arent a thing so if fucking mr bitchboy was what he needed to forget him and get hwi, go girl. get that bread get that head then leave!
At this point I’m only reading it to see whether or not the creator turns Cain into a psychopath. I couldn’t care less about the other two
Same honestly, imma drop this after Cain becomes irrelevant or a surprise bad guy, which is just stupid