Actually Seungho had never treated someone he regular has sex with like Nakyum. So, it's obvious that it's not only about sex, but he cares about NK.
And Nk is also connected but he knows the boundary between Seungho and him that seungho will only be using him for sex. Thinking beyond it is unimaginable for him. No matter how much attached he gets or cares about it.
As a result they are both hurting each other, Nakyum feeling low cause he feels like he is a whore. And Seungho feels agitated as he treats Nakyum differently but NK is behaving like a whore (cause what else he would be in lord's life anyway) and which is obvious...
So let's just wait, their feelings are growing.
I binged this series whole in 4 days.
The thing that I'm mostly satisfied with is the depiction of their feelings growing for each other. Over time. It was nicely done. With the expressions and the transition of panels.
And I think inspite of being a shounen ai it had enough smut. I would say more than it should have as a shounen Ai. But honestly I did think that if I kissed someone that many times then I would have dry lips. But its shounen ai so that's only what author nim will have to give us anyway.
About the characters, I loved both of them equally. But I must say at the end Moogyeug became kinda irritating for me because he was too unaware about his bf's feelings with whom he literally spent so many days hanging out and sleeping together. He should have reacted earlier and asked why he looks so gloomy...has anything happened or not. Simply caring and questioning.
I wanted to see did yohan's brother fully accepted them and also wanted to see him being happy with his professor bf. But sadly it ended.
It was a extremely good read. The ending was nice too. Thank you to authar-nim and uploader-nim.