The visuals are pretty good, and it plays right into several of my fetishes.
Story is trash, none of the characters are likeable, the pacing is weird, we learn very little about the characters aside from their jobs and sex, and of course the seme is a narcissistic, inconsiderate, douchebag, unapologetic, rapist....Who keeps getting rewarded.

I loved this!
The author used angels and closeups to convey intensity, sincerity, and drama that pulled the reader in. Not to mention incredibly seductive expressions and scenes.
The characters: their intentions and personalities were well fleshed out, and fully realized.
I like how they slowly (from their perspective) came to love each other over time.
There was no meet-cute, or grand gesture. Just honesty, sincerity, forthrightness, and genuinely nice good people, who's comradeship becomes something more.
No unnecessary, drawn out drama.
Good dialogue. Sensei doesn't waste sentamite.
What needs to be said/thought is said without meandering all over the place for pages on pages.
Honestly good work