How can I talk to the translators or scalenators of a certain manga? I have a big ethical and religious problem with one of thier translations.
religious, i really really want to know that.
They keep using one of my religion's most holy and recognized symbols, to represent Devil worship and evil/black magic in supernatural manga and Yaoi. Not only is it being used to show different religions, but it's meaning is being twisted to the total opposite of what it represents. So yes- I find it extremely offensive and would like to issue a formal complaint.
Religion is man made. Btw, there was a yaoi I read where they shoved my religion's idol up their ass. It's not Christianity fyi. But still, I'm chill about it because it's not real.
Was it that one where the guy shoves a banana up his bum? Or maybe it was "Make me bark" where he uses a permanent marker... seeing as anything and everything can be idoltry, we need details rather than this wishy washy "it was a symbol" ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
It's idolatry not idoltry. Did you know that Yaoi is a religion too? Therefore, religion is contraDicktory *Eats a hot cross bum*
So it's okay to orally consume religious symbols then.....
I'm going to secular hell lol.
Sounds painful, all those sharp points (⊙…⊙ ) (⌒▽⌒)
Why do mangas keep showing people using flip phones? Japan is supposed to be relatively technologically advanced country, and yet they keep showing phones that have more or less been obsolete for over 5 years....
And I heard many of them, especially the girls, prefer to use the flip ones instead of touchscrees.