Mistress_RA March 2, 2025 10:37 pm

There is a time and place for everything and this definitely isn't it. AND if my friends start talking about my ex in the private space of me and my significant other then they are no longer welcome. Period. Plus Ash is definitely wrong here. The second his so called friend started entertaining a conversation about my ex that I've moved on from in our private space Ash should have IMMEDIATELY, and I mean IMMEDIATELY shut that friend down letting him know how it is unappreciated and disrespectful to bring up old matters that are no longer relevant. AND he should have made it perfectly clear to never bring that bs to their (Ash & Lyle), home again. And if they are unable to comply then leave and never come back. He was definitely to light about it and now we see how it's going out of control. People will ALWAYS try to push boundaries. Especially when it's about something unrelated to them but when you have people like tgat in your life you have to learn how to adequately shut them down or leave they ass with the bs by themselves. Misery loves company and you have a lot of people who are entertained by drama. Me personally, those who can't respect me and my partner bringing unnecessary drama gots to go. Plain & simple. (︶︿︶)=凸 If your close enough for me to call you a friend you should know better.

Mistress_RA March 1, 2025 9:47 pm

I blinked and it was over! ヽ(`Д´)ノ(╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Jewel March 2, 2025 1:43 am


Mistress_RA February 28, 2025 6:03 am

It's very interesting how people throw words all willy nilly spreading disinformation. I don't know if they just want to appear intelligent to gain attention/clout or if they are only going by what other's said and is running away with it. But in any case people should look up and gain an understanding on the meaning of grooming and when it's applicable. In some manwha a few post are spot on. However, in this instance, grooming doesn't apply here. In NO way, shape, form or fashion did the ML establish an emotional connection with the intention of fkn the MC. Chapter one is proof. Not only chapter one but all the way to chapter 6. ML is NO dmn pedo. He raised him as family the best way he knew how, giving every consideration. ML says as much. AND for people to compare the age of a Sooin to real ppl is ridiculous. Even in rl, animal age faster than humans. And for the sake of this manwha he is FULLY grown with ANIMAL characteristics and attributes. With that being said is subject to ruts. I find it ridiculous to even insinuate any grooming after chapter one. Luckily I remembered the type of ppl who post and decided to read anyway. It's a decent story with a decent storyline so far. I can't wait for next updates.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Ijs, people should look up the meaning of words and in what context to use them before posting like they know what they're talking about. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 6:35 am

    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units?

    Bbtymn February 28, 2025 7:50 am
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units? PalleDeLeche

    He doesnt see him as a parental figure tho its one sided

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 8:00 am
    He doesnt see him as a parental figure tho its one sided Bbtymn

    Stand by your words then, would you fuck your grown child? Would you fuck your dog?

    anonfujo February 28, 2025 8:26 am
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck your grown child? Would you fuck your dog? PalleDeLeche

    Cancel culture loves putting words in peoples mouth like that

    Bbtymn February 28, 2025 8:37 am
    Cancel culture loves putting words in peoples mouth like that anonfujo

    He changed his settings so no one can reply to him what a child

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 8:53 am
    Cancel culture loves putting words in peoples mouth like that anonfujo

    Yeah, just like my dick in your mouth. Must taste good huh?

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 8:58 am
    He changed his settings so no one can reply to him what a child Bbtymn

    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o<

    Jay February 28, 2025 11:03 am
    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o< PalleDeLeche

    ??? What is wrong with you and your mindset, i get your point but nobody said they wished you were a child, your replies are so childish (NO I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO KIDS. In case you try to do that with my reply too.) just because they called you a child it doesn’t necessarily mean they wish you were a child or that they’re attracted to kids. Not even once have they left any comment that makes it sound like they are so where are you getting that from? Perhaps rage bait? Because that is what it sounds like. Also nowhere in the manhwa is it showing joohyuk wanting to fuck haewon, it’s all one sided. Joohyuk literally said he can’t see Haewon as a romantic partner as he only sees his as the sooin(?) he helped, while Haewon sees him as the only person who could be his partner(mate), neither Joohyuk wants to “fuck” or in this case get fucked by the cub he “raised” and neither does Haewon see him as family. I’m not trying to pick a fight, I’m simply stating facts in case you can’t read properly.

    leenseoh February 28, 2025 1:36 pm
    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o< PalleDeLeche

    get help...

    rachel February 28, 2025 2:02 pm
    Yeah, just like my dick in your mouth. Must taste good huh? PalleDeLeche

    Oh my gawd.... Something is really wrong with u why are you even here at the first place if u don't like it...

    iryy February 28, 2025 2:19 pm
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units? PalleDeLeche

    bakit may ubo utak mong kupal ka, FICTION nga diba so bakit mo icocompare yung situation in real life, tanga ka ba para hindi malaman yung difference ng fiction and real life??????

    iryy February 28, 2025 2:22 pm

    to translate : it is FICTION, so why would you compare the situation in real life? are you dumb that you don’t even know the difference of fiction and real life????

    oh ayan, saksak mo yan sayo para mawala na ubo mo

    Babushka_80 February 28, 2025 2:45 pm
    Yeah, just like my dick in your mouth. Must taste good huh? PalleDeLeche


    who is dis diva February 28, 2025 3:09 pm
    You wish I were a child since that's clearly what ur into, gotta keep myself safe from predators like you >o< PalleDeLeche

    LMAOO you ate!!

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 4:22 pm
    ??? What is wrong with you and your mindset, i get your point but nobody said they wished you were a child, your replies are so childish (NO I AM NOT ATTRACTED TO KIDS. In case you try to do that with my reply ... Jay

    Oh, my bad. "Oh noooo this dog child that's been in my care for two years is REALLY horny, guess I have absolutely no other choice" makes a lot of sense and isn't weird or disgusting in any capacity. But y'all go ahead and keep commenting with your facts, makes the block list just that much longer.

    Fei February 28, 2025 5:34 pm
    Stand by your words then, would you fuck ur dad? Do you think it's okay for grown people to bang their parental units? PalleDeLeche

    Gurly stfu ahdhdhja this is so funny how are you pulling this out of your ass after reading this post lmaoo hoooow you're acting like op said fuck ur dad tehee lmaooo the dumbness in this comment section is killing mehshdhaj

    Fei February 28, 2025 5:38 pm
    Oh, my bad. "Oh noooo this dog child that's been in my care for two years is REALLY horny, guess I have absolutely no other choice" makes a lot of sense and isn't weird or disgusting in any capacity. But y'all ... PalleDeLeche

    whdhfhhshagddha what are you the purity police what do you gain huh a superior borner this is straight up ridiculous oh booy op don't mind them just enjoy the story at least some of us are actual adults i guess lmao

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 6:08 pm
    Gurly stfu ahdhdhja this is so funny how are you pulling this out of your ass after reading this post lmaoo hoooow you're acting like op said fuck ur dad tehee lmaooo the dumbness in this comment section is kil... Fei

    Aw, is ajdjajdjaj code for you would fuck ur dad too? Or do you prefer kids you raise who want to have sex with you? Guess I wouldn't know what actual adults like you prefer since I'm not into reading father figure age gap furry porn like you are. Chin up babe, all the shotacons, incest lovers, and "stepbro I'm stuck" watchers on mgg will proudly stand with you on this matter.

    Fei February 28, 2025 6:25 pm

    lmaooo yea sure tell the fictional kids and fathers to be aware of me ok tell them someone is coming for them I'm sure they'll be delighted about how you're defending them lool the way you're acting all high and mighty on fucking mangago is so funnyshdhaj let's hope the wolf boy fucks his hyung in his beast form too you know we should add a little bit of bestiality for you fuckers only just a little bit of more spice ^^

    Fei February 28, 2025 6:25 pm
    lmaooo yea sure tell the fictional kids and fathers to be aware of me ok tell them someone is coming for them I'm sure they'll be delighted about how you're defending them lool the way you're acting all high an... Fei

    btw being a lil pussy and blocking won't stop me from answering you <3

    rachel February 28, 2025 6:34 pm

    Bitch are you fucking retarded. If yes then u can continue with ur yapping..
    Jst one thing u have to know it's called fiction for a reason nothing to do with reality.
    And You've been going on about dad's a lot.. Seems like ur projecting honey... Daddy issues?? Or did ur dad do something to you? Or something traumatic happened as a kid?? U can talk to a real adult u know, help is everywhere u jst have to ask...
    And lastly if you know about all these sub-genres that means you also read it right or tried to... And if ur so disgusted by it why are u even here at the first place, go fuck off...

    rachel February 28, 2025 6:35 pm
    Bitch are you fucking retarded. If yes then u can continue with ur yapping.. Jst one thing u have to know it's called fiction for a reason nothing to do with reality.And You've been going on about dad's a lot.... rachel

    And why did you block me.... That's so pathetic

    rachel February 28, 2025 6:39 pm
    lmaooo yea sure tell the fictional kids and fathers to be aware of me ok tell them someone is coming for them I'm sure they'll be delighted about how you're defending them lool the way you're acting all high an... Fei

    Yeah.....I've read some and they're so good...

    Fei February 28, 2025 6:53 pm
    Yeah.....I've read some and they're so good... rachel

    imma be real i am actually not into it BUT I'm a monsterfucker and there's thin line between a lot of kinks and tropes i do enjoy so ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ do you if that's what you like and enjoy go for it hun lol idk if you read Don't Mess With the Puppy but imma be real if bby boy wasn't that tiny i wouldn't have minded some beasty love in that story

    PalleDeLeche February 28, 2025 7:55 pm
    Bitch are you fucking retarded. If yes then u can continue with ur yapping.. Jst one thing u have to know it's called fiction for a reason nothing to do with reality.And You've been going on about dad's a lot.... rachel

    Muah muah muah, keep on replying cause all I'm seeing is you kissing my ass and eating up the shit coming out of it.

    Mistress_RA February 28, 2025 8:23 pm

    @PalleDeLeche He is NOT his dad NOR a blood relative, NOR a parental. He doesn't even think of him as his dad nor the other way around. ML said family. Duh. Reading is fundamental. Smh. Where did you get that from? I DEF stand by my word. No matter what no one says. Don't get mad cause you you want to appear educated not knowing/understanding what grooming is. I WILL SAY IT AGAIN FOR THOSE IN THE BACK WHO DIDN'T HEAR NOR UNDERSTAND... GROOMING IS INTENTIONAL! ML NEVER cared for MC with the INTENTION of FKN him. AND the MC is an ADULT! Plus, MC has emotionally attached himself to ML. NOT the other wat around. MC see ML as a mate. Now if you can't comprehend then maybe you need to go watch videos or movies of what grooming is. Also, go read a bunch of publications. Maybe then you will catch a clue and see the difference. Smh. Asking a dumb ass question like that makes me want to ask you the same question. (⊙…⊙ ) Also, this is still a fictional storyline ga. You seem young as he'll. I can imagine you going around thinking your rage baiting ppl with your nonsense. Not gonna happen. You are ridiculous AND I'm glad there are other's who find you ridiculous. Blocking won't stop me and others from commenting. You don't like it then don't read it ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ simple as that. Throwing tantrums like a child instead of expressing how you disagree and your findings shows how really young you are AND shouldn't be on this site reading this anyway cause your mind is too young for mature content. Comparing rl to this fictional story is ridiculous. To my knowledge there are no such things as wolf human hybrids. I'm on the fence about chimera but that's a whole other conversation and doesn't apply here. I find the ones getting mad at my post must be the ones who obviously embarrassed cause they don't or didn't know what grooming is. That's not my fault I just posted the truth. I don't care if someone get mad and block me. I'm cool with that. Block is such a beautiful button just like the Mangago and back button when I find something uncomfortable that doesn't align with my morals and values. Learn how to use it instead of spreading disinformation about subjects and don't understand. Again reading is fundamental. Ijs ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Bbtymn February 28, 2025 8:39 pm

    He blocked me thats crazy

    Mistress_RA February 28, 2025 9:06 pm
    He blocked me thats crazy Bbtymn

    Ikr lol

    Jay February 28, 2025 9:59 pm
    btw being a lil pussy and blocking won't stop me from answering you <3 Fei

    Atp id just let them be, they’ve been lurking in this comment section for literally a full day must have a lot of time in their hands to say weird things;;;; the main reason why i even didnt bother replying back was because i knew if i did they would just reply with the same thing over and over again, if you can notice all of their replies are surrounding the same sentence but with different words as if they have no actual argument and just decided to hate since other people were hating too and refuse to accept valid points

    Mistress_RA February 28, 2025 11:55 pm
    Atp id just let them be, they’ve been lurking in this comment section for literally a full day must have a lot of time in their hands to say weird things;;;; the main reason why i even didnt bother replying ... Jay

    Yeah your right.

Mistress_RA February 13, 2025 7:53 am

So, for those of you who love to whine/ complain about how wrong and gross this manwha is... you have the right to do so. I respect it. But keep in mind that others also have the right to comment to your comment. Here we go... I just want to say I'm okay with this storyline because it is MAKE BELIEVE! (I'll say it again for those in the back just in case you missed it.) This is MAKE BELIEVE! That is what manwha is pure d fiction. If we were reading an autobiography then hell yeah I would smh with you. HOWEVER, we are reading MAKE BELIEVE! That is why you should read the summary. Even if you missed the summary/the first chapter or two, you should realize it's about stepbrother bl omegaverse, incest etc., )technically this on NOT incest), then find something that aligns with your make believe moral compass. There are plenty of yaoi/bl nontoxic manwha. Why digust yourself willingly by reading something you know is a hard no/pass for you, just so you can complain? That's like me consciously drinking drano just to complain so I can be heard/seen. (⊙…⊙ ) It's not much I don't like here but if i do I keep it moving and find something else. Dring! The mangago but at top left is a beautiful button to get me back to homepage. ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
But for real for real, all I'm saying is there are many like me who enjoy different types of make believe manwha. I'm not hating on you cause you don't like it. I personally read the comments for potential spoilers ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ But it always amazes me how many ppl continue to read what they find disgusting just so they can tell ppl how disgusted they feel like it will make a difference or like anyone really care or like it will stop the show. This is liked more than ppl realize. If there was no market for it ppl wouldn't bother writing it.
Low key, I understand and respect ppl not liking it. But, why keep reading things that you will lose your stomach over? Ijs (This wasn't written to offend per se but this is what I always think when reading these types of comments). Have a happy day!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    kaii February 13, 2025 6:07 pm

    Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading. For eg if someone enjoys reading a manhwa about s.a. disguised as romance, they're re a creep but a bit less than the author. Im not talking about this particular manhwa but I've seen this trope alot in most works so..yeah, hope you understand bud.

    Rina February 13, 2025 11:18 pm
    Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading. For eg if someone enjoys reading a manhwa about s.a. d... kaii

    This is so not true.

    Mistress_RA February 14, 2025 7:27 am
    Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading. For eg if someone enjoys reading a manhwa about s.a. d... kaii

    Yeah like @Rina I would have to disagree. People write all kinds of different subjects that doesn't necessarily mean that is their true nature. Most times people may write about things they know of, want to bring attention to, or MAY fantasize about. SOME could be personal experiences of themselves or a loved one, and others could be of experiences they have heard of or come across some other way. But let's play devils advocate for a moment... Even IF a manwha is the AUTHORS true nature how does it impact you? In what way, besides you forcing yourself to read something so uncomfortable, does this impact you personally/ your day to day life? People really trip me out how they are quick to put labels on people they don't even personally know. So let me ask you, how are you basing your facts? Is there a post somewhere where there was an official statistical investigation about people who write manwha that explicitly states what they write is a reflection of their RL true nature? If so, please provide us those sources? There may be some one interested in following. (Me personally I could care less. I'm here for entertainment purposes.) So outside of that it appears to me you are making an assumption. Those types of assumptions have gotten ppl killed in the past, as well as ruined lives. So bud I don't see what point you were making nor do I understand. What it's looking like is you are the type that judges books by their cover. Metaphorically speaking. That's not a good look. But to each their own. Do you boo. But in the meantime in between time come with something true not what you would like ppl to believe based on your own thinkings.

    Addy February 14, 2025 11:25 am
    Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading. For eg if someone enjoys reading a manhwa about s.a. d... kaii

    That’s just not true

    kaii February 14, 2025 5:13 pm
    Yeah like @Rina I would have to disagree. People write all kinds of different subjects that doesn't necessarily mean that is their true nature. Most times people may write about things they know of, want to bri... Mistress_RA

    Alright idk in what context you're speaking but mine here was mainly ecchi/hentai content or some abusive yaois artists make with the literal label of r*pe or c.p. with actual comments of people 'enjoying' them (which I have accidentally stumbled upon alot) ; i actually agree with the first part about some works being something of an imaginative fantasy or a topic the author wants to bring attention to. I hope you understand what I meant there. Again, bud, idk to what context you took my statement or what proved to be so offensive. I would personally say I am not much of a person who bases books with their covers but I am not one who stands with people liking misogynistic/abusive works because that is them indirectly justifying the authors work. (By abusive i mean content of abuse for the purpose of pleasure, not awareness) And I took the step to say this because I have seen it a lot and it deeply disturbs me.

    dilfs February 14, 2025 6:47 pm
    Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading. For eg if someone enjoys reading a manhwa about s.a. d... kaii

    This is so wrong and harmful to say. I don’t even have the words for this but you are on a very very wrong track …

    please consume your media mindfully in a right way. just because people enjoy for example rape fiction, doesn’t mean that they actually think the idea of real life rape is fine. Just because people enjoy horror movies doesn’t mean they want people to be brutally murdered.

    kaii February 15, 2025 10:41 am
    This is so wrong and harmful to say. I don’t even have the words for this but you are on a very very wrong track …please consume your media mindfully in a right way. just because people enjoy for example ra... dilfs

    i apologize if my text caused any misunderstanding but that is not the idea i was going for. to explain in a broader perspective i would like to explain by saying while fiction and reality are different, fiction shapes real life preferences. by this i don't mean regular horror entertainment or abusive topics for the sake of spreading awareness but misogynistic and abusive things people pass as 'normal" or 'romantic', including p*rn. consuming problematic media doesn’t directly cause harmful behavior, but it undeniably contributes to normalizing toxic attitudes, making them seem more acceptable. Increased awareness and critical consumption of media are crucial in mitigating these effects but it is not the case for everyone; research shows that implicit biases and social norms are influenced by media exposure, often without conscious awareness.
    While fiction is a form of escapism, repeated exposure shapes attitudes over time, for eg: A meta-analysis of 31 studies (Malamuth et al., 2000) found that exposure to misogynistic content in media correlates with higher acceptance of rape myths (e.g., "she was asking for it"). please understand my statement in light with these very real life issues and while you may be different (i wouldnt know) not everyone can consume media and not be influenced by wrong ideas. i was originally arguing with the og comments "make believe" assumption. not every "make believe" is justified, kindly understand.

    kaii February 15, 2025 10:43 am
    This is so not true. Rina

    please read my latest comment to understand the meaning i was going for

    kaii February 15, 2025 10:45 am
    Yeah like @Rina I would have to disagree. People write all kinds of different subjects that doesn't necessarily mean that is their true nature. Most times people may write about things they know of, want to bri... Mistress_RA

    i have included the so called statistics youd asked for in my later reply to another comment, while you couldnt care less it includes the perspective i was going for in much more detail, ty.

    Rina February 15, 2025 12:26 pm
    please read my latest comment to understand the meaning i was going for kaii

    I still don't agree. Sorry for the long ass comment but...I checked out the study you mentioned but 1. the study was aimed at MEN and 2. it was primarily aimed at men who consume pornography featuring REAL women. Also the conclusion of the study was that the pornography consumption was not directly tied to the increase in sexual aggression after all. In the study it was mentioned that it didn't even have to be media depicting violent pornography or in some cases pornography AT ALL. So it kinda delved into how for the consumers who get influenced by media depicting sexual violence, the media serves as "fuel into the fire", it doesn't magically make them into aggressors nor does it make them think rape is ok. Also it is very much different from women consuming yaoi. It is not directly comparable because men in general consume porn for different reasons than women consume yaoi. There are variety of reasons why women consume yaoi while the explicit scenes can often be a secondary reason (check out some fan studies aimed at BL consumers), while men just watch porn to satisfy their sexual urges. Also a huge factor here is that yaoi does not feature any real men at all and that is one of the primary reasons women consume it, because the men there aren't real. Men usually consume porn because they just want to get off. Of course I am not denying that some of the yaoi readers are here just for the sex tho. However in the study you mentioned they referred to the direct connection between violent media and its connection to violence/sexual aggression aimed at real women. Now have you heard about a sexual aggression yaoi reader commited after reading toxic yaoi? Yeah, me neither. And if yes, it would be because the individual is predispositoned or highly suspectible to this kind of stuff in which case they shouldn't be consuming in the first place! This is the "videogames cause violence" argument all over again, which is false. Personally I read a lot of toxic romance. Have I ever thought anything that happens outside of the fictional space would ever be okay in real life? Absolutely not. It did not even alter my views on non-con behavior in my life, I would simply never find it remotely ok. But in fictional space it's just like smashing two dolls together, just play-pretend and a lot of people just see it as that nothing more - it is not the reflection of their character, they just can separate fiction and reality just fine. For a lot of people fiction provides spaces where people can explore things in safe environment. I would even say in some cases that those "make believe" scenarios are the better option when the other option is the real life scenario. Or would you rather see them go and try in real life? Also did you know that yaoi came to be because women wanted to escape from misogyny in the first place?

    kaii February 15, 2025 2:08 pm
    I still don't agree. Sorry for the long ass comment but...I checked out the study you mentioned but 1. the study was aimed at MEN and 2. it was primarily aimed at men who consume pornography featuring REAL wome... Rina

    thank you for replying, honestly i do agree with the argument you make although i might have missed a few parts so i apologize if i miss out any points. longgg, sorry TwT (also its a mess rip) so as said about your argument on media being a fuel to the fire rather than the turning point for aggressive behavior is correct but it does prove my initial point, as you pointed out, the study itself acknowledged that media consumption was more of an amplifier rather than a root cause—it fueled pre-existing inclinations rather than creating new ones. (as in if a predator/p*do makes a work disguising it as romance and another relates or likes it in a certain way it might encourage such actions in an already existing predator) and While you might separate fiction from reality, not everyone does. Some individuals, especially younger readers, may be influenced without realizing it. my point was that the said make believe argument causes many harmful works to be exposed normalizing (or encouraging) wrong ideas among children or predators. there are some works, even as p*rn that can be passed as not harmful when not written from a certain pov to entertain..a certain type of audience but that is not the case for all works. if the author depicts children in a certain way (in a work made for pleasure), has some accusations and even consumes such content he can certainly not be passed as not a predator- so content CAN IN SUCH SITUATIONS tell u about the creators tendencies. ofc its not the case for all works since many women too create fanservice in their works (towards, also, women) but it is because such content has been made before that it continues to be made. Similarly, people who already enjoy dark, problematic, or taboo romance may be drawn to certain kinds of fiction while consuming it doesn’t mean they support it in real life. There’s a difference between consuming dark fiction to analyze it critically versus consuming it because you enjoy the problematic aspects. If someone enjoys non-consensual dynamics in fiction because they see it as romantic, that could reflect deeper social conditioning (as for the author too) if a creator creates an incest relationship constantly in his works that *would* tell u smth about him, no? . as for the yaoi perspective, i have to say i myself enjoy yaoi- it excludes male female power dynamics and excludes misogyny. although as a bl enjoyer i do have to say, most r*pe works include bl and are passed down as non problematic due to the inclusion of males (by female nd male authors, thus shaping a stereotype). there is also yaoi made by male authors or general hentai including s.a. with self insert chars iykwim. my takeaway is- predators also make content as predators and they consume it and there exist works which are too disgusting to be passed as 'just fiction'

    kaii February 15, 2025 2:12 pm
    thank you for replying, honestly i do agree with the argument you make although i might have missed a few parts so i apologize if i miss out any points. longgg, sorry TwT (also its a mess rip) so as said about ... kaii

    like months ago a questionable manhwa popped up on my page with the literal tag being r*pe and when i clicked on the tag ALL (90%) WORKS WERE YAOI which was tbh just sad. while some ppl might consume it for some plot or story.....not all do and if its a work with no story and just abuse, well i see no point. i apologize if i framed smthg wrong

    Mistress_RA February 15, 2025 10:35 pm
    like months ago a questionable manhwa popped up on my page with the literal tag being r*pe and when i clicked on the tag ALL (90%) WORKS WERE YAOI which was tbh just sad. while some ppl might consume it for som... kaii

    You tried but no cigar. Especially with that weak nonrelavant source/ reference. AGAIN, @Rina did awesome to disprove the nonsense you called yourself trying to come back with. Not only do I agree with what they posted they did and incredible job by adding some additional and very relevant points. I even see you trying to clean up what you said and tried to slide that your point was proven. Nope nope and nope. In YOUR initial og post you made a broad statement in saying and I quote, "Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading." NOW there is NO cleaning that up NOR are you correct in that assumption. The ONLY way you can clean that statement up is by apologizing saying you didn't mean everyone and that there are some that show their true nature by what they write/read. And even then that is still speculative. But I definitely agree there are some gross and twisted people in this world. There is no doubt about that. However, in my og post I was pointing out that people need to understand the manwha they read is MAKE BELIEVE, etc. Don't come for me unless I call for you. Maybe you need to go back and reread your initial post a few times so you can understand the gravity of what you posted and the assumptions behind it. Ijs AGAIN! GREAT JOB at @Rina.

    kaii February 16, 2025 9:04 am
    You tried but no cigar. Especially with that weak nonrelavant source/ reference. AGAIN, @Rina did awesome to disprove the nonsense you called yourself trying to come back with. Not only do I agree with what the... Mistress_RA

    kaii February 16, 2025 9:42 am
    You tried but no cigar. Especially with that weak nonrelavant source/ reference. AGAIN, @Rina did awesome to disprove the nonsense you called yourself trying to come back with. Not only do I agree with what the... Mistress_RA

    I appreciate your perspective, and I see that your comment about "not meaning everyone and that some reveal their true nature through their preferences" may have unintentionally supported my original theory. For that, I sincerely apologize. My main point is that while fictional preferences don’t define an individual, they often reflect what captivates or deeply resonates with them.
    It’s crucial to recognize that consuming certain content doesn’t imply endorsement; however, the patterns in someone’s choices can reveal their underlying preferences, fears, or fantasies. As an artist and writer, I create from my own interests, and this creative process undoubtedly reflects aspects of my character. For instance, if someone enjoys romance, that speaks volumes about their emotional landscape.
    Moreover, it’s vital to differentiate between mere consumption of content and genuine enjoyment. I realize I may not have expressed that clearly. I've observed many individuals defending their favorite artists, even when those artists exhibit concerning tastes—like extreme sexualization of minors—by dismissing it as "just pixels." While it may not directly be related to the artist or the readers preferences, I find that reasoning problematic and unconvincing. It's essential that we critically examine the content we chose to enagage with instead of dismissing everything as make believe. I apologize for how I expressed this, but I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

    Mistress_RA February 16, 2025 9:27 pm

    When i saw that you were offering an apology, I thought maybe we could give this person the benefit of the doubt. But then I saw "however," and all i could do was chuckle and shake my head. Then, to make sure I wasn't tripping, I shared the post with someone else since I had shared the contents of the og post with the follow-up comments, and they both agree with me. Then I further commented to my partner that since i read the post at 5:30am my time that I'd let it marinate and see if i felt any different after getting some sleep. Nope, nope and again, nope! The reason I quoted your statement and requested for you to reread your own og statement a few times was for you to gain some perspective and to understand what you said hoping you would see how offensive it appeared. But I guess not. And what adds insult to injury is the fact that you stated you were an artist/writer. That's why i chuckled. I initially thought how bigoted or sheltered this person must be to make such a statement as an artist and writer. But seeing as you are claiming to be an artist/writer, you SHOULD know better. And now I really understand what you were doing when writing this last post. You apologized not because you were really sorry but so that you play the manipulation card by appearing humble while trying to justify your initial statement. All you did in your proceeding statement was go on and on and on about how write you were and then slid in tgat you are a artists/writer, like that was supposed to secure why we should think your right. Even if we weren't discussing, make believe I would still say you're wrong. As a creator, YOU of ALL people should know people create for a myriad of reasons, and not just because that is their true nature, as you stated in your og and preceeding posts. And if you don't understand tge concept of everything is not always black and white and that life deals in a variety of colors, even metaphorically speaking, then I would encourage you to go back to the drawing board but first come out of that bubble you appear to be living in. I'm not saying you're a lost cause, but what i will say is that you can't help those like you until they are ready to open their minds and see how vast the world and it's inhabitants are. As I previously stated, there are definitely some gross and twisted people in this world, (there is a long list of media publications about them,), but you definitely shouldn't say that is the majority. There are so many factors beyond manwha that mold the minds and values of people. The start is said to be the parental, home, and in the immediate environment. Some would argue it's the womb, which I low-key kind of agree with. But that is a whole other conversation. I refuse to entertain you because your posts have shown me what I need to know at this point.
    Regardless, I didn't mean to go on a tangent but to merely point out, for those who don't really understand or know, that when you are apologizing, there shouldn't be any "but" or "however". The start was decent, explaining the misunderstanding and apologizing. But the moment "however" began was where the decline in sincerity started. That is a form of manipulation. If you don't understand, do your due diligence to get an understanding of what I'm referring to. I'm going to enjoy what's left of this weekend. I feel slow for continuing to entertain a person whose only goal appears to be, not to understand but wanting to be right and/ or seem intelligent. Rather, they are or not remains to be seen. I really have no clue. I initially posted sharing my thoughts on posts and comments I've seen over the years, not with the intention of offending blah blah blah (refer back to og post, lol). Enjoy mangago as this is a safe place to explore and enjoy ANYTHING without anyone being hurt as this is the land of make-believe! You have a choice to move on to something you can enjoy if a manwha makes you uncomfortable or doesn't align with your RL moral compass. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Yana February 17, 2025 5:52 pm
    Sorry but I might have to disagree, the art an artist makes reflects the artists um..."true nature" and same with the reader and the thing they're reading. For eg if someone enjoys reading a manhwa about s.a. d... kaii

    I don't see these characters as real people, I can't fully empathise because I know some of them are pretty much just fetishised or obviously made to evoke certain emotions or feelings. Idk I can be intrigued and enjoy their romance because I love obsessive pairs, but I certainly don't feel the same in real life.

    Irl people are much much more complex. Fictional people on the other hand, in BL manhwas especially, are extremely simple and live in a world where many real life consequences won't happen. You know they're just built different because that's how we made them lol

    Of course there's a ton of fiction that are literary masterpieces meant to show complex characters and realistic situations, but this is Yaoi/BL/manhwa. It's not made to be on par with Shakespeare, many of them are even just straight up porn.

    kaii February 17, 2025 6:39 pm
    When i saw that you were offering an apology, I thought maybe we could give this person the benefit of the doubt. But then I saw "however," and all i could do was chuckle and shake my head. Then, to make sure I... Mistress_RA

    I see a lot of personal attacks and assumptions about my intentions here, but not much engagement with my actual argument. If you disagree, that’s fine, but let’s focus on the ideas rather than making it personal. I never meant to claim that every single piece of fiction someone enjoys is a direct reflection of their true nature. I did realize my mistake and I did try to make amends to it by explaining my point rather than appearing manipulative. I realize how that might seem and i do apologise as that was not my intention. I am not entirely sure whether or not you understand my initial point (which is why I took the liberty of explaining myself) , which I understand I had missed/misguided which was that not all fiction can be justifiable as make believe in case of the artists and in some cases the reader in context to said gross and disturbing media or media with tones of existing stereotypes in a harmful way. If you are not interested in so you may skip said justification: "" My point was that patterns in media consumption can reveal underlying and existing interests, values, or psychological tendencies. (Obviously not for everyone) That’s very different from saying ‘everything you read is who you are. You mention that some people are ‘gross and twisted’—so would you agree that for those individuals, in some cases, their media choices could reflect existing darker tendencies? If so, then isn’t it fair to say that, at least in some cases, what people consume does have meaning beyond just ‘make-believe’? The content which mangago does contain (as in there are plenty of said distrubing and gross media here) . I am and wasnt aware of this manhwa but rather speaking on a broader term of dismissal. I’m open to discussing different perspectives, but I think we need to be clear about what’s actually being argued. Fiction doesn’t define a person, and to differentiate between fiction and reality is necessary, but it’s not meaningless either. The addition of my statement of being an artist was merely to add my own personal opinion, that I am aware is not the case for all people (even myself sometimes) , but in a sense of metaphor or symbolism rather than an exact fact. I am aware of how grey this world is and that everything and everyone has a variety of layers underneath be it in media or rl. Even artists who do not mean to create works that are questionable (as in underlying tones of misogyny, racism) because of existing stereotypes and prejudices in case of which said media should at least be questioned rather than dismissed. ""
    If you’d like to engage with the argument rather than my character, I’d be happy to continue this conversation.
    That was the entire point of my whole argument and I never meant to say something offensive. Once again, i apologise for that.
    I am aware of how fiction does not entirely define a person's nature and i do understand how my wording may have seemed. I was hoping to clear up any misunderstandings I had caused by saying the wrong thing rather than appear manipulative or "humble" in the argument. I do realise my mistake and how that might've seemed. For that, i offer my sincere apologies. I understand how this is me trying to prove myself right but I am genuinely unsure whether or not my actual point is being understood because I don't necessarily disagree with anything you've said. I once again don't mean to offend anyone but to offer my own opinion. I don't disagree on your argument but rather am trying to add that is not true/justifiable in every case. So...hope you enjoyed your weekend? :) I would appreciate less assumptions about my personality ty. Once again i truly don't mean to offend anyone and I am sorry if I did.

    kaii February 17, 2025 6:45 pm
    I see a lot of personal attacks and assumptions about my intentions here, but not much engagement with my actual argument. If you disagree, that’s fine, but let’s focus on the ideas rather than making it pe... kaii

    Actually I see myself still trying to justify a missed point and a certain personal opinion only applicable in some cases, so uh, sorry for that ig. I hope I didn't offend you. And for when/if I did, i apologise.

    kaii February 17, 2025 6:50 pm
    I don't see these characters as real people, I can't fully empathise because I know some of them are pretty much just fetishised or obviously made to evoke certain emotions or feelings. Idk I can be intrigued a... Yana

    Yesss you're right, i just failed to express my point haha. When I said yaoi I meant romanticized abuse (as normalising, while failing to understand, abuse in media is kinda disturbing as it contributes to a bigger problem of real life abuse)

    Mistress_RA February 22, 2025 10:17 pm
    Actually I see myself still trying to justify a missed point and a certain personal opinion only applicable in some cases, so uh, sorry for that ig. I hope I didn't offend you. And for when/if I did, i apologis... kaii

    Thank you. I appreciate the apology. Enjoy your weekend! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Mistress_RA January 10, 2025 1:13 am

I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! for making a decensor version for those of us who can do without the white blobs/swirls, etc. This has made an already great manwha into an awesome experience!
ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ Looking forward to the updates!

Mistress_RA December 2, 2024 4:14 pm

Yeah, I still don't get this whole crying fetishism. I read an explanation by sad lesbian under itiswhatitis post but all I could imagine and hear were crows and crickets. (⊙…⊙ ) For me crying especially heavy crying takes away from the sexual experience from past to present. For me, It's kinda annoying due to it becoming a normal thing for almost every manwha. Especially with snot and what not pouring out their nose. I just don't get how they hold an erection seeing that. YUCK! For me this is literally a, "to each his own" thing. Just like scat. I don't and am not knocking people's fetishes but this definitely does nothing for me. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Am I the only one? I'm very curious

    Toster December 3, 2024 4:50 pm

    I don't have this kind of fetish xD but would it be actually bad? I mean people don't really look pretty when they're having sex, I'm not sure how about crying, but if someone is turned up even in situation in which their partner looks ugly, red, snotty or all in tears, then I guess it's rather fine? And to be precise, I'm not talking about forced situations, or very serious situations (in which we're crying because we're sad) because that's just shitty. I'm talking here about consensual sex and crying from pleasure

    Mistress_RA December 3, 2024 8:50 pm

    Again, I'm not knocking it but I guess I'm just built differently. With every manwha I come across with tgat scenario I try to understand it but even witg effort I still don't get it. For me faces of ecstacy are hot and sexy during. Crying would definitely be a turn off and make me stop immediately. It would automatically be a mood killer. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I knowledge this will be one subject that will forever evade me. Lol

    Toster December 3, 2024 9:35 pm
    Again, I'm not knocking it but I guess I'm just built differently. With every manwha I come across with tgat scenario I try to understand it but even witg effort I still don't get it. For me faces of ecstacy a... Mistress_RA

    Well, I understand you, I have the same feelings about feet fetish xD

    Zen December 3, 2024 11:20 pm

    To be honest I can understand why people are attracted to that but not at the same time

    NotToday December 3, 2024 11:52 pm

    I mean- fair. I don't have it myself, and I don't know anyone who has it but I think it's more of a vulnerability thing? Idk lol

Mistress_RA November 26, 2024 9:50 am

Is it just me or has there art downgraded? (⊙…⊙ )
I literally had to look at previous chapters to remember who and what this drama was about. Maybe someone can drop the link to the original or novel. Based on panels I was confused af. Am I the only one? Anybody else?

Mistress_RA November 25, 2024 5:58 pm

I guess it's pretty much a consensus that the ending was VERY lacking. Like wtf. This was a pitiful rush job. What was the point of the build up and suffering just for it to flop? No satisfaction what so ever. This had so much more potential than what was given. This was literally the definition of just ending it so they could be done and not think of it anymore. At least that is the feeling I get from that ending. Smh. Oh well there's nothing that can be done but to get over it. Luckily I have a list of others to keep my mind occupied. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    Kim November 25, 2024 6:15 pm

    Don't enjoy alone! Can you share those

Mistress_RA November 14, 2024 9:41 am

All I heard her nosy, whiny ass say is me, me me me and me. That troll has her nerve. Since she is miserable she wants them to be miserable instead of enjoying and following their happiness. If she spend that time worrying about herself and making herself happy she would have no time to stick her nose where it doesn't belong. I mean like, Mind yo damn biznes! Smdh.
Okie dokie. Now I can finish reading my rainbows and bunnies ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Mistress_RA November 8, 2024 6:21 pm

I love the storyline for the most part BUT...Those P*** plugs are just SOOOOO over played. I mean damn! I love bdsm but Everybody and their mommas have to add that to their manwha. It's like they think if that is added it will.make the manwha good. NO!, it doesn't! At this point it just makes me roll my eyes and scroll past when seeing 99% of these stories use these same played out cliched scenes. I guess there is no such thing as originality anymore. Smh.(╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Phew! Now I feel better now i can finish catching up. I really hope this ppl who write these scenes cut that ish out! Smh it's just annoying at this point.

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