I truly loved this story. I saw pieces of myself in both Mr. Lee and Yuri. It was slow and frustrating read at times. I found myself angry at Mr. Lee for being passive and a doormat. I felt his powerlessness and wished he could take actions to set his life in the right direction but I realized that's just how depression works. I hope we all have a Yuri beside us during tough times because it takes a lot of patience and consideration to deal with someone going through a hard time. It’s for this reason that I think Mr. Lee's depression was portrayed well. I'm happy things worked out for them in the end. However, I wish Yuri had more character development. His problematic nature and traumas was emphasized later in the story, but it was glossed over. Still, many relationships start off rough, and I think it's implied in the more subdued and gentle manner he wrote his letter to Mr. Lee that he matured a little. The fact that he was able to do his military service at all suggests he was not as anxious and needy as he used to be. Anyway, that was just my personal takeaway. This story holds a dear place in my heart. It reminds me so much of my own struggles when I was the same age as Yuri, in life and relationships, and the people who helped me through it. Just hang on. Time, along with support system and genuine will to change, will heal the scars of the past.