Ain’t no way bro was raped, and his “lover” (don’t remember if it was said) was like, “yknow what ima do? IMA FUCK HIM. AND THEN SHOW HIMSELF IN FRONT OF A MIRROR”, the plot was incredibly fast. Should’ve been more than 50 chapters. Also, haven’t they been “together” for like… 3 months, at max? Like sure they’ve known each other for 10 years, but the black haired dude treated the other guy like actual garbage. And then it was “o, let’s get married tee hee”

I completely understand the feeling of being disappointed. I agree it felt kinda rushed and like it was lacking something towards the end.
Honestly the alpha immediate response was hospital...
Trauma victims sometimes ask their partners to hold them after something like that transpires as a form of comfort and reminder they're not dirty, still loved even if they feel worthless.
Rejecting a trauma victim while they're in a fragile state isn't always helpful, can actually cause more emotional instability and heighten suicidal thoughts and attempts.
The alpha showed him the mirror as an attempt to override his painful memory, like a reminder it just you and me, your connecting with just me see.
He took him to the hospital immediately after his lover calmed down.
You can look up trauma victims and the different ways they react.
Yeah they weren't together very long but their life was surely full of drama and back to back events... Feelings are a complicated things, most people don't act logically and some find themselves dealing with toxicity
They probably were originally going to do more chapters but had to shorten it, that's the impression I got.