Cazador_de_sirenas created a topic of Ani No Chuukoku

It's says completed, but the story doesn't feel complete at all -_-. Rather, if feels abandoned in the middle. The brothers never come out clean on whatever is building between them... there's not even actual smut.
The other stories weren't anything remarkable either.

No matter the story, it just irks me to no end whenever a character should just speak up but they DON'T! ò_ó
Dammit, girl, why didn't you just call out Ciel on his twisting of the truth? Why did you let your family believe his lies? You didn't have to reveal anything about yourself if you didn't want to, simply tell them that the duke is being an obsessive stalker and Morgan only tried to rescue you. Now THAT is the actual truth...

There is no new chapter ??? No update, no nothing. So why the notif?

Well, if it's about a toxic and abusive relationship, here we have a prime example of it.
I've been able to push through until ch.34, excusing all to Chloe's naivety and good-willed personality... but I cannot deal with any more.
The moment that blond bastard all but confessed his unhealthy obsession with her and she took it as a romantic declaration of love, I gave up. I told myself, "This is it, here is where I draw the line".
Like, girl, what are you even thinking? We've had repeatedly rubbed on our faces how loving and wonderful your parents' marriage was, does this look anything like that to you?! Was this how your father (mis)treated your mother? Just what the heck happened to your standards?

So it doesn't matter if peasant children are sacrificed? You only care now that snooty aristocrat brats are targeted as well? Go rot in hell, madam. Perhaps YOU should volunteer to be the next sacrifice.

This is already the third story I've read with male rape. Is awareness coming on trend now? That would be good.

(p.s. Also, at some point translation goes to hell...)

Either by life experience or simple pure logic, you should know that when you leave your choice in the hands of another, it will always come back to bite you in the ass.
I trusted the father and mother not to be charmed by that crazy duke, but now I'm 100% sure that's what is gonna happen somehow... sigh ó_ò.

Forget the first life, the second, the fifth... who cares, have you seen how many Linas are there?! This story has been on loop since forever! Geez, Rigel really needs another hobby...

The kids were still small and developing just a blink ago, and suddenly Estien and his girlfriend are all grown-up adults? Sorry, Artist-san, but you blundered big with this growth spurt...

Don't believe the "several love targets" at all, the girl is completely gone on the prince since the very first moment no matter what she says to herself... -_-!
So there's no actual intrigue. Also, either the translation or the writing itself has several copy-pasted mistakes. Plot also has some holes...

Already enjoyed 150 chapters of this and feel like we're nowhere near the end! ^_^
I wouldn't be suprised if this reaches 300 chapters for two more years or so.

Either the family is a mess or the translation is. She introduced Leon as her brother-in-law (which he is not), her stepbrother (which he isn't either) and then as her little brother (even less). Was it so difficult to just state they are COUSINS instead of all the wrong titles?
Also, how is it that being cousins you never met each other in ten years? What kind of family is this???

So Lina was indeed a puppet-like all along. I was saying it in my last few comments, how she didn't have any personality of her own, just being manipulated like a toy.
Though I didn't expect my words to turn out so literal, ha ha ha!

The story says "End", but the clasif is still marked as ongoing... I don't know if I should be expecting more updates or not. Is the story already finished?

I mean, we saw in their past life he was cold and uncaring, but now he has no issues being affectionate and doting to the point of obsession O_O? Just when did this happen? He went from 0 to 100 in a blink post-death-and-regression!
Did he have a period of self-reflection after regressing or something? But even like that, you don't change your behaviour in such a sudden way... It feels like something is missing here.

Cazador_de_sirenas created a topic of Be My Baby

Where is this so-called chubby-ness that they talk about? Sunwoo looks exactly the same as before, despite "one month stuffing himself". Why would the artist go on and on about him getting fatter and then not add a single kg to his design??? That's so stupid.

p.s. Also, hadn't Sunwoo deleted hyung's number?

At every chapter, Lina becomes more and more brainless puppet. At this point she has already lost what little personality she might have had. Not that I think she ever had any in the first place, since from the very beginning she is shown trying to fulfill the role character of the saintess -_-

The saintess is actually so pathetic that I can't find energy in myself to get angry at her anymore -_-. She's just like a brainwashed child, throwing tantrums whenever things don't go her way. Like, zero of her own will? Only a puppet pulled by strings.
She's been promised everything and instead got nothing, so I can understand her envy and frustration. Really tricked like a kid, having her toys taken away.

I found in Spanish is up to ch.10, but I cannot find any site in English... ò_ó
Feeling frustrated here, damn. I don't like reading smut in Spanish.

Putting aside that the current Robellia is, in fact, another person, I wonder if the emperor realizes the contradiction of his... wants? Wishes?
What I mean, Alexandros didn't like/respect/care about the previous Robellia because she was too soft and kind. But now that he got a rebellious and wilfull empress, he wants her to work by his side. This looks to me like if Alexandros got what he wanted and the current Robellia became obedient and devoted, he would grow bored of her again.