I look like a stalker, but this is my last comment specifically for elio Okay so it was actually bongchon bride that you always rec because of its different themesThankgoodness I already completed the list FluffBall-Sama
Alright I admit it . I do recommend Bongchon bride alot whenever it fits criteria. I just love their dynamics and uniqueness.
I look like a stalker, but this is my last comment specifically for elio Okay so it was actually bongchon bride that you always rec because of its different themesThankgoodness I already completed the list FluffBall-Sama
It seems we followed eachother at the same time (≧▽≦). What a nice coincidence.
Alright I admit it . I do recommend Bongchon bride alot whenever it fits criteria. I just love their dynamics and uniqueness. Have you read " Bongchon bride"?Not me sounding like Prettymensupremacy LMAO Elio
It is on my list, but still didnt read it, just the spoilers. (⌒▽⌒)
Im still reading many comics so I need to complete it before committing to another one. But the recs of prettymen, gummy and you are on my top list!!!
It is on my list, but still didnt read it, just the spoilers. (⌒▽⌒)Im still reading many comics so I need to complete it before committing to another one. But the recs of prettymen, gummy and you are on m... FluffBall-Sama
Yesssss they give such a good recs.
Gummy bear suggested " Shangri la no Tori " so much . I went and read it and love it . It had been in my want to read for so long I hadn't read it. But ... When I went and read it after it being recommended so much . I absolutely loved it. I was like ::How did I miss it for so long 乁 ˘ o ˘ ㄏ.
I am marinating " Rainbow city " ... I know I will get hooked to it and I absolutely love Little mushroom .... Prettymensupremecy ... Got aces in his sleeves . He recommends other good Manhuas too. I love his humour and tastes.
Be sure to click on the blue + to see everything Also please be sure to follow them as well so you don’t lose them and get updates on them in the future I hope you have fun!~
Here my darling all the best fluff Enjoy!romance fluff https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/1437118/romance fluff pt 2 https://www.mangago.me/home/mangalist/2032198/ Jenny
Anyone have a link for the novel? I wanna read it (⌒▽⌒)