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prity March 29, 2024 5:39 pm

WTF are they trying to play with my feelings? For years I have been waiting for new chapters, seriously fake notification.

prity March 11, 2024 8:55 am

In the past when Hugh became the Duke and found out that Tarans can have boys only by brother and sister(incest) and to birth a girl Taran men will have it with a normal human, but Hugh didn't know how normal women get pregnant by Taran men so he tortures Philip and he told him that a virgin girl has to drink the blood of the man for a year and then sleep with them to get pregnant Hugh believed it and thought that he will never let women drink his blood but it was false. The condition was to be like Lucia as explained previously... So Philip prepared a lot of orphan girls and made them eat Mugwart to stop their period and during the war sent them to Hugh's bed but he didn't sleep with the same woman again so Philp had to kill all these girls.....
Lucia now meets all these conditions and can give birth to a girl who can marry Damein and produce a boy to continue the Taran bloodline.
Moreover, the last duchess was a normal human and was pregnant when killed by Hugo, the unborn girl was a sister to Hugo and Hugh was supposed to be one of their bride, one more sister to them chosen as a Duchess also died in the horse accident.

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